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  • Cosmetics
    Before starting the stage of change in the face form, you need to familiarize yourself with the main causes of the weight gain.
    28.03.2017 430 1
  • Massage
    The new attribute of the Russian bathhouse has a healing effect, has a long service life and does not require much care.
    21.11.2016 470 0
  • the beauty
    Underwater massage is not well known, but a very useful procedure with a complex effect. It relaxes and rejuvenates, fights cellulite and skin problems.
    17.08.2015 923 0
  • the beauty
    Snail - a mild animal with a sink. Giant Akhatin since ancient times used to treat abrasions, burns, scars.
    08.08.2015 1394 0
  • the beauty
    Eye massage requires a somewhat different approach than other types of similar procedure. This is explained by the fact that the massive organ is very fragile and vulnerable, especially to direct physical influence.
    27.07.2015 719 0
  • the beauty
    Infrared massagers have long been and successfully applied in cosmetology. These devices are able to determine the manual therapy to some extent, and thanks to compact sizes and short sessions are often used at home for the treatment and prevention of a whole list of diseases.
    27.07.2015 1428 1
  • the beauty
    The value of massage oils is difficult to overestimate. They not only facilitate the work of the massage therapist and strengthen the effect of the procedure, but also have therapeutic effects on the body.
    21.07.2015 1008 0
  • the beauty
    The skin in the bath is sprinkled, so it is easier to remove slags and all the dirt. For this reason, massage in the bath is one of the most efficient.
    21.07.2015 857 0
  • the beauty
    Japanese women up to the most honorable age look like young girls. One of the secrets of their youth is a special massage, called Asahi (also referred to as Zogan or Soghan).
    17.07.2015 796 0
  • the beauty
    It is difficult to submit a woman who would not worry the problem of cellulite. This topic is very popular as with the "orange peel" and in preventive purposes.
    08.07.2015 730 0
  • the beauty
    Many are aware of the positive effect of salt in cosmetics, but it can be applied separately, for example, in various medical and prophylactic rubbing.
    05.07.2015 883 0
  • the beauty
    Each second person faces pain in the back and legs. Muscle pain is most often associated with a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical exertion.
    01.07.2015 1386 0
  • the beauty
    The skin needs constant care and requires careful care. Unfortunately, paying attention to the skin of the face, often forget about the body.
    01.07.2015 1149 0
  • the beauty
    The popularity of massage with vacuum cans is explained by the simplicity of fulfillment, the low cost of the product and the high efficiency of the results.
    29.06.2015 757 1
  • the beauty
    Make lifting faces and conduct a large-scale skin rejuvenation without interfering of plastic surgeons.
    12.05.2015 1290 0
  • the beauty
    Modeling massage or manual correction technique is a fairly effective means to eliminate the flaws of the figure.
    10.05.2015 1642 0
  • the beauty
    With the approach of summer, a woman is thinking about their figure. After all, so you want to wear a short skirt and boast a good figure on the beach.
    09.05.2015 878 0
  • the beauty
    The point massage is a acupuncture massage that came to us from the ancient China. His healing properties helps to fight overweight and painlessly lose weight.
    08.05.2015 726 0
  • the beauty
    How to keep the freshness of the skin, brake aging, prevent wrinkles and smelt saving on the face?
    08.05.2015 1515 1
  • the beauty
    Spanish face massage has become popular in domestic beauty salons recently. This procedure is the author's methodology that combined the basics of manual therapy and kinesiology.
    07.05.2015 1092 0
  • the beauty
    Massage is an excellent procedure that allows you to relax after a hard working day. If during this pleasant action use essential oil, it will be possible to saturate the skin with vitamins and therapeutic substances.
    06.05.2015 1117 0
  • the beauty
    After heavy, and as usual, saturated with the problems of the working day, especially if he was held "on the go," we say that "do not feel" from unpleasant fatigue in the feet.
    06.05.2015 937 0
  • the beauty
    Therapy with the use of hot stones was used by many millennia ago, our ancestors believed in their magic properties, because the power of nature and energy of space is concentrated in them.
    06.05.2015 721 0
  • the beauty
    The use of aromatic oils during massage significantly improves its quality and therapeutic effect.
    06.05.2015 1719 1
  • the beauty
    To make a vacuum massage at home, you will need quite a bit: special jars to create a vacuum and any vegetable oil.
    27.03.2015 1361 0
  • the beauty
    If headaches have begun to bother and in the neck area, you are constantly in stressful situations or just tired, then it's time to be taken for conducting a self-massage session.
    10.03.2015 906 0
  • the beauty
    Still a century ago, the ideal of beauty was lush female forms with ruddy rounded cheeks. Times have changed dramatically.
    01.02.2015 2353 0
  • the beauty
    By law, the Japanese Massage Massage Massage Massage is conquer. An unusual technique allows the drainage of deep muscles of the face, rejuvenates the skin.
    06.01.2015 1247 1
  • the beauty
    Buck (vacuum) massage is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of the ugly "orange crust" on the hips and buttocks.
    19.12.2014 1082 0
  • the beauty
    Massage, perhaps, the best gift is a close man. During the massage, you will open new abilities, learn to relax partners, excite and give a part of yourself.
    25.11.2014 1761 0
  • the beauty
    A new word in the field of physiotherapy was a sculpturing massage according to the method of Dr. Andrei Grebennikova.
    30.09.2014 2061 0
  • the beauty
    After an actively spent day, our legs need relaxation. With this task, the massage is best coped with this, because thanks to him the blood circulation is restored, the outflow of lymphs is improved, muscles relax.
    29.09.2014 2310 0
  • the beauty
    Stounterapia is a massage with hot and cold stones. This massage is mainly directed not to cure from any diseases, but on complete relaxation, and then the restoration of the human body.
    29.09.2014 2002 0
  • Diseases
    A modern variety of types of massages amazing imagination. Massage with infrared radiation and infrared radiation should be attributed to new items in manual therapy.
    29.09.2014 5380 2
  • the beauty
    Medical properties of honey are known for a long time. It is used not only for the treatment of colds, but also for cosmetic purposes.
    28.09.2014 1227 0
  • the beauty
    Spin massage - a great way to make a pleasant to a close man. Through massage, you can help your partner get rid of both physical fatigue and voltage during stress and emotional shocks, since the kneading muscles affects the nervous system.
    05.09.2014 1673 0
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