Massage brushed how to do

Massage brushed how to do

The skin needs permanent care and requires careful care. Unfortunately, paying attention to the skin of the face, often forget about the body. But the correct care will quite soon give positive results. Massage brush will replace hiking in expensive salons. Dry massage with a brush improves blood circulation, removes dead cells, cleans the skin, stimulates the lymphatic system and also helps cope with cellulite.

For massage, you must purchase a brush with genuine bristles. It is better if it has a long handle - it will provide a comfortable back massage. For those who are just starting to make procedures, it is worth preferring a brush with a soft bristle and gradually move to more rigid products. Massage must be carried out before the adoption of water procedures. Choose a comfortable place to make your foot on a higher surface. Massage brush and body should be dry, otherwise there is a risk of stretching the skin, which will lead to the formation of sagging skin. Do not massage those parts of the body where irritation or damage.

Massage is recommended to be performed towards heart, so we begin the procedure from the foot massage. Put your foot to the edge of the bath or bed and start the massage from the feet, gradually lifting up. Massion caviar, hips, buttocks from the bottom up. Potions affected by cellulite to massage not only linear, but also circular movements. Avoid massage in the area of \u200b\u200bgroin, the inner part of the hips and knees.

Massage of the top of the body start with the massage of the hands, moving away from the palms to the armpat. First massage from the bottom up, then we use both circular movements.

Next, we continue massage on the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulders and the back, gradually moving towards the stomach. The abdomen area is very sensitive, so they perform circular movements with a slight pressure, painlessly and gently. Also massage the neck.

For massage a face you need to purchase a soft brush. First, remove the hair into the tail and clean the face. Start a massage from the neck, heading to the forehead. First, process with light circular motions of chin and cheeks, then nose, ears, whiskey and forehead.

Massage make for 3-5 minutes. As a result, the skin will acquire a pinkish color, this is a normal response to the procedure. After the massage, take a shower and apply anti-cellulite cream or favorite body oil, it can be olive or coconut oil. Massage sessions spend every day, in the morning or before bedtime, and after about a month and a half the effect will be noticeable.

Massage is not difficult to do the brush, and besides, it will not take much time. Take care of your skin and take care of her correctly. Regular body care with the help of a brush will give her elasticity, smoothness and radiance, and you are vigor for all day.

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