Facial massage is an excellent tool for improving the condition of the skin, getting rid of wrinkles, increasing the tone. Soft movements stimulate the local metabolism, so using the massage you can get rid of the double chin, full of cheeks, and tighten the sulfur face.
Before starting the procedure, remove the hair from the face, wash your hands with soap and clean the skin. If the skin is dry, then pre-apply the bold. And the fatty skin should wipe the lotion. Contraindications of massage for the face: inflammatory processes, flat warts, herpes, microtrauma, reinforced hair growth. Apply the nutrient cream, distribute all over the face - and you can begin the procedure.
Start massage from the forehead, moving along massage lines. The fingers of both hands put in parallel lines of eyebrows and smoothly spend them from the center of the forehead to the peruphoria. If the face massage is combined with peeling, then the movements should be circular.
Next is the massage of the zone around the eyes. Movements should be point, without strong pressing and stretching the skin. Start manipulations from the inside of the nose, move to the upper part of the century and move along the eyebrow line. The outer corners of the eye require special attention, since it is in this area small wrinkles appear, which are the result of active facial expressions. Pads fingers make circular tapping movements in this area.
Improve skin tone, focusing the oval of faces will help the following techniques. Its fingers applied to the bridge and move, slightly pressed, to the top of the ear. The same movement to do, ranging from the middle of the nose to the middle of the ear and from the middle of the chin on the edge of the face to the urine of the ear. Another effective movement: the pinching of the skin of the chin with the subsequent movement along the head of the face.
Earn a zone around the lips to prevent wrinkles. Two fingers put over the upper lip, plump them slightly and spend the ear to the edge. For the bottom of the lips, make a point massage: laying your finger pads in the central part of the chin and slightly push them.
Finish the massage procedure with stroking face, neck, zone neckline with the entire palm surface. The whole process should last no more than 5 minutes. Make massage every day and see the result of such care in a week.