• Garden
    Those who, on their homestead, decided to grow peonies and admire their beauty should be aware of the fact that simply put the bulbs of flowers in the soil - not enough.
    17.06.2019 341 0
  • Garden
    If you set out the goal of getting a good and rich harvest of garlic, then you will need to understand the subtleties of its landing and cultivation, and also learn all the secrets of the processes in question, how now we are with you and we will deal with.
    03.06.2019 374 0
  • Garden
    Newbies in gardening very often make a mistake - listen to their intuition, and not the advice of experienced gardeners and the usual planting of flowers can end the trouble - the flowers will not go out or blooming will be small flowers.
    03.06.2019 311 0
  • Garden
    There is nothing more beautiful and brighter than the eternally green thuja on the household site. Let's wonder today, what is this plant and how to plant it, what time and what plan is.
    03.06.2019 307 0
  • Garden
    Each culture you will grown on your land plot, has a number of features that everyone needs to know who wants to get a good harvest.
    03.06.2019 312 0
  • Garden
    Experienced gardeners and agronomists know that in the land plot in the obligatory manner of culture you need to alternate, otherwise the Earth will become non-frozen, so to speak - empty.
    28.05.2019 358 0
  • Garden
    Probably not to find such a land plot on whom the onions would not grow. This is one of the most common crops, and there is nothing surprising in this, because the green onion and the on-line is used everywhere and everywhere in cooking - when cooking meat dishes, vegetables, stew, borsch, various soups, kebab, etc.
    28.05.2019 344 0
  • Garden
    Cashew is a delicious and nutritious roaring from the hot Brazil, where it grows from time immemorial.
    28.05.2019 321 0
  • Garden
    Lovers of sweet and juicy berries will not walked the shrub called the northern grape or gooseberry.
    28.05.2019 322 0
  • Dacha
    So that the apple tree has always been healthy and brought a rich harvest, you need to take care timely and care for her.
    28.05.2019 268 0
  • House and life
    During the landing period, it is important to plant garden crops correctly. It was then that they will give a big harvest and will require a minimum of care.
    20.05.2019 283 0
  • Garden
    If an apple tree grows on a land plot or near your home, then you just have to care for her if you want to get delicious, juicy and large fruits and beautiful bloom in the spring.
    20.05.2019 290 0
  • Garden
    Spring is time to restore order in the flower bed and fill it with colorful flowers. The gladiolus in the people call the "king" of all colors, and his proud and bright appearance himself says it without words.
    14.05.2019 290 0
  • Garden
    Gardeners are often wondering - how to root the cuttings properly. Let's today in this matter and will deal some cuttings and how to root.
    14.05.2019 260 0
  • Garden
    Well, who does not like grapes? Little, probably, there will be such. Of course, today it is possible to buy this berroda in the season at any point for the sale of vegetables and fruits, but it is best to grow this berry culture on your site or dacha.
    14.05.2019 262 0
  • Garden
    Do you know that a rose rose is a wild rose, for which no one has courted for a long time? Let's find out today, what is the difference between Rosa from Rosehip, what are their differences and what to do, so that beautiful rose does not turn into a rose hips.
    29.04.2019 267 0
  • Garden
    Spring came and sort of warmer, the gardeners decided to plant seed out into the open ground and there is no hope here - freezing or wind, and it seems that the seedlings do not save after that.
    29.04.2019 271 0
  • Mounting
    Repair and construction work that you perform with your own hands are quite difficult, because in such processes there are a lot of different details and nuances, which one who is engaged in such works.
    29.04.2019 276 0
  • Garden
    Transplanting Irisov is an important stage in the care of them. This simple procedure has its own nuances, without taking into account the plant can easily destroy.
    21.04.2019 257 0
  • Doors
    No matter how cool, and sooner or later in an apartment or house anyway, something will break - a washing machine, a sofa or a handle on the door.
    15.04.2019 277 0
  • Garden
    For the storage of Luke, many ways are chosen: bags, stockings, boxes, grids, braids. But, as life experience shows, in order to preserve its quality, the most time is the most appropriate storage option in braids.
    15.04.2019 262 0
  • Finish
    Each time, clutch repair, we sincerely think that now everything will be simple and fast, but in any case there are some delays, problems, etc.
    12.04.2019 258 0
  • Garden
    In the fall, the garden is cleaned, and vegetables are deposited. In order for the harvest to please you all year, you need to know how to properly dry onions so that it is well preserved.
    08.04.2019 297 0
  • Garden
    Almost every household plot decorate perennial flowers and among them the most common flowering bush is peonies.
    08.04.2019 281 0
  • Garden
    In order for your land plantation or the site, there is always order, and all berry bushes have given a good harvest, it is necessary to properly care for them and know the subtleties of this process.
    08.04.2019 263 0
  • House and life
    Wall-mounted TV is very convenient because it saves the place and allows you to watch any movies on wide screens.
    08.04.2019 268 0
  • Garden
    Clematis is a curly flower that pleases the eye with its beauty, and also can decorate any wall fence and other horizontal or vertical surfaces.
    08.04.2019 249 0
  • Garden
    Such a culture like the onion grows almost on every land and the preservation site, so there are few of those farmers who do not grow it.
    08.04.2019 256 0
  • Garden
    Spring will come very soon, which means that you need to do your flower beds so that they bloom and fell to you on joy.
    31.03.2019 276 0
  • Garden
    The failure is a dangerous pest of fruit trees. She is completely omnivorous and can cause huge damage to harvest.
    31.03.2019 284 0
  • Garden
    If you have a household site or a garden, it means there, with 100% probability, the cucumbers will grow, where without them.
    31.03.2019 288 0
  • Garden
    In the ordinary diet of an ordinary person, such a vegetable as a cabbage is often found quite often. It is grown on the beds, household plots and groats.
    31.03.2019 271 0
  • Garden
    Lilies are very beautiful and not very rapidly plants, so it is not difficult to breed them, if you know all the nuances and secrets of this process.
    31.03.2019 254 0
  • Garden
    Circumcision of the leaves can not be missed at the growing stage of cucumbers. With proper trimming, the volume of crop is growing, and the flavors of the cucumbers are becoming higher.
    31.03.2019 271 0
  • Plumbing
    No one will argue with the fact that the bathroom is a room in which various kinds of household problems occur most often - then the pipes were clogged, then the smell from the sewage to the house goes, then some pests appear, and there is also a condensate on the toilet tank.
    25.03.2019 314 0
  • Garden
    Begonia is one of the most unpretentious plants and for it is very loved by flowers. In addition to the almost unlimited diversity of species, it is capable of serving an indispensable element of the decor.
    17.03.2019 288 0
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