Begonia is one of the most unpretentious plants and for it is very loved by flowers. In addition to the almost unlimited diversity of species, it is capable of serving an indispensable element of the decor. In addition to the diversity of shades and pomp flowers, it affects the unique shape and coloring of the leaves. To never part with a domestic beauty, the flower was invented many ways to breed it.
Basic ways of breeding
Since there are more than a thousand types of begonias, the types of its reproduction are greater than one or two. These include:
- Cuttings with stems. This way it is impossible to propagate those types of begonias that are deprived of stems, but for all the rest of the drawing suitable.
- The separation of the sheet on the part. In addition to seeds, cuttings, roots and other things, Begonia sprouts from part of their sheet. It is this method of reproduction that made it with such a living plant. Those of its species that are considered creeps are multiplied by this method. Also, this type of reproduction is considered to be permissible for begones without stem or with lowered leaves.
- Seeds. Blooming species resort to such reproduction.
- Rhizome. The fission of roots is a way of breeding bushes.
- Tubers. Just like the division of rhizomes, this species is suitable only for the tuber types of plants.
All those who want quickly and guaranteed to get a new plant with the same characteristics that the previous one is breeding. There is practically no such type of begonia, which could not be prompted with cuttings
For dividing with cuttings you need:
- Knife
- Water
- Small capacity like a plastic cup
- Ground with sand
Method of breeding:
- The stem inspect and choose cuttings for future division. Only large specimens are suitable, located in the middle or closer to the end of the stem. They should have more kidney pairs, and the length should not be less than 8 cm.
With the help of a knife, they are separated, leaving three sheets on them and dried through the clock pair. - Then they root. For breeding in water in a plastic cup pour soft water in room temperature and put a stalk there, where much light. With the advent of the roots of the cuttings, sit down in a pot.
- To reproduce through the cutting substrate, the stimulant is lubricated with a stimulant for rowing growth and put in the ground with sand to the depth of no more pair, see the capacity from the top with a package or a bottle for creating a greenhouse environment. The cutlets stops in need only after it will release a couple of new leaves.
Typically, the leaf is multiplied by those bendies, one copy of which is not enough. This method requires certain skills, but the abundance of planting material pays for all difficulties. For reproduction it will be necessary:
- Glass
- Knife
- Tank for landing
- Substrate
Method of breeding:
- Choose the biggest and healthy leaf. It is laid on the glass, straighten and cut on triangles in such a way that a piece of central veins is present in each of them.
- After that, planting material is sent to the substrate from a peat mixture with sand or simply in clean sand. Plant it in different ways. The sheet can be put on the sand, press and slightly sprinkle with sand along the edges or lower cut vertically plug by 1 cm. To the ground.
- After planning, the container is covered and maintain high humidity under the film, once a day with a punch on a sheet with water.
This method is not considered one of the rapid, the results can be preparing 2 months. Before transplanting sprouts into a new pot, they temper them, passing to the air in the room.
Seed reproduction is one of the most time-consuming methods of begonia breeding. It requires a number of conditions that flower functions are recommended to observe, otherwise new plants may die.
Recommended to remember that the seeds of begonia are tiny, they are easy to lose. Therefore, they sell them in a special shell of useful for the growth and further development of substances sprout.
For reproduction you need:
- Glass
- Capacity for germination
- Seeds
Method of breeding:
- Flowers are recommended to plant seeds in early January. Then, during the cold, young sprouts will have to strengthen and go into growth with the arrival of heat. Plastic containers are suitable as containers and everything that can be easily covered.
- A centimeter layer of drainage is falling asleep into the container, and behind it is a soil substrate. The land is sprayed with water, but do not watered so that it is not too wet.
The soil must be soft and without lumps, so as not to interfere with gentle spons. Seeds are dissipated throughout the permissible surface and covers the glass container. Fall asleep the seeds are not necessary. A covering container put there, where much light. - The soil is constantly moisturized, but do not watered. It is enough to sprinkle it with water so that the seeds give shoots. They appear in a week or on day 10. They are ordered every day, everything longer and ultimately the improvised greenhouse is completely cleaned.
- After the sprouts will release the first couple of leaves, they are seated by different containers. First they are seeded in pairs, and after closing the leaves - one way.
Rhizome and tubers
- For the separation of the rhizomes, the plant is removed and cut off all long flowerons and leaves. The roots are cleaned from the ground and wash. Then they are cut on equal parts with one kidney on each. Slices dried with coal, then treated with growth stimulants and plant in individual pots.
- The division of tubers is carried out in the spring, until the shoots have not appeared, but the kidneys have already woke up. Each tuber make a knife for a couple of parts with a kidney on each half. The sections are migrated to coal, and then tubers are depressed in the ground.
- When the sprout reaches a height of 7 cm cease to maintain the greenhouse effect for the tuber and completely fall asleep the earth.
The breeding of the begonia is a simple process. Despite the fact that for him you need patience and caution, the result is worth each spent second.