Hydrangea is exactly the plant that leaves no one indifferent. A lot of varieties of this beautifully blooming miracle with lush inflorescences are derived. And how many flower-lovers are thinking about how to propagate Hingtones.
How to propagate hydrangea - seeds
Hydrangea after flowering gives small-minor seeds. Here with them and you can breed a favorite plant. For this, the seeds are gently assembled and stored until March in a dry place. With the onset of spring, the seeds of hydrangea are evisted in the prepared ground.
In order for the seeds of hydrangea to go into growth, they need soil with a weakly acidic reaction, which can be achieved by adding peat. To dry out hydrangea seeds, you can use a soil consisting of the following components:
- peat - 1 part;
- humid - 1 part;
- large sand - 2 parts.
Approximately a month later, the seeds of hydrangea should give sprouts, and in the autumn, young rasmitsa can already be relocated in an open ground, protecting them from winter frosts. By the way, the seeds of this plant do not need to subjected to stratification, that is, to specially prepare them to sow.
The method of breeding seeds is not suitable for growing varietal types of hydrangea, since decorative properties will most likely be lost in new plants.
How to propagate hydrangea - shilling
For reproduction of hydrangea, cuttings should comply with several conditions.
- The extension is best to spend at the end of June - early July.
- The first year shoots are used.
- On the suitability of stalling the shoots are checked, bending them - if they are soft, then it should be good.
- The soil is used by moisture consisting of one sand measure and two peat measures, as well as moss is added to it.
- Hydrangea cuttings are plugged by 2-3 centimeters.
- The distance between the cuttings should be at least 4-5 centimeters.
- The temperature at which the shilling is happening with the best results should be about 20 degrees.
How to propagate hydrangea - dividing bush
This method is the easiest and efficient. In the spring or early in the fall, the hydrangea bush need to dig out of the earth and divided into 2-3 parts, leaving several kidney growth on each of them. Each of the new bushes is planted into the primer to a new place.
How to propagate hydrangea - a sapling touchpoint
This method is considered to be the most effective for obtaining the greatest number of new hydrangeas from one plant. For this, the fall of the young hortensier bush is drawn as follows: the root must be Copdan so that the branches themselves are higher and under a slight inclination, about 35 degrees. From the Hydrangea bush, all the unseasoned and weak sprigs can be removed in the ground. First pinch the root, then each healthy twig is painted, laying in the surface of the earth fanually and thoroughly cheer, sealing the earth so that the branches are not denaked. In the spring, each growth kidney on each branch should be escaped. These shoots from the maternal bush are divided and searched. Ideally, new plants should bloom in the same year.
Hortensia, however, like any other plant, it is necessary to periodically feed using complex fertilizers. When planting hortenside bushes on a new place, the characteristics of the variety should be considered. So, for example, for bugging honeycomb, there is an area of \u200b\u200babout 2.5 meters for lush, high-quality growth and flowering.