How to grow parsley from seeds

How to grow parsley from seeds

The bushes of fragrant greenery are grown both in the garden and on the balcony. The main thing in this business is to know the rules for planting parsley and departure from seeds before harvesting.

Sowing in open ground and in the apartment conditions is practically no different. The first thing to do is to soak seeds. It is best to use spring, crude water. So, on the scene, spread a piece of gauze, rolled twice. Put the seeds and cover the free end of gauze. Pour water so that the "pillow" for seeds was completely covered. After a day, a half seeds are ready. The disembarkation is produced without prior soaking, then shoots appear slower.

Prepare the Earth. With balcony cultivation on the bottom of the pot, place the drainage, it can serve wood ash, river pebbles, then pour a layer of earth, about 3 cm, a layer of fertilizer and the ground again. When sowing in the garden, the land is prepared as follows: make shallow grooves and quivering them with boiling water. Soil is ready, it's time to sow. Switchy seeds deepen on a half-meter to the ground, cover not more than 1 cm with soil. Moisturize crops. With a plus temperature, shoots will appear on 5-6 days.

Sprouts give two false leaves. About 10-12 days a pair of real leaves appear, which are eaten. For a good harvest and juicy greens, the seedlings must be looming, freeing the parsley from weeds and weak sprouts. The optimal distance on the outdoor ground is 10-15 cm from each other. In the pots, the distance decreases to 4-5 cm. If sowing is too tight, transplant the seedlings to other vases, trying not to damage and do not bargain the root system from the ground. Watering during this period moderate.

After 65-75 days from the date of sowing, the maturity of the plant comes. With proper care, the leaves reach 15-20 cm depending on the variety, the bush is spread, the number of twigs is from 6 pieces. Such greens can be cut off. The following collection spend 35-40 days when new leaves will grow. On average, parsley grown from seed gives up to 4 yields.

Sowing in open ground is produced either in October-November or March-April. If the parsley is winter, it needs additional insulation and soil mulching. With such a landing, greens are collected in mid-April - early May. In the reproduction of parsley, sedate sowing is performed in March-April. Before sending to the garden, the leaflets must be strong, real, stem length up to 7 centimeters. Usually, the seedlings are transferred in early May. Be very neat, as damage damage can lead to the death of a plant or slow down adherence in a new place.

So that the parsley grew quickly, put the pot with a seedl of the light, if possible under the right sunny rays. Do not allow soil cuts. Observe the temperature not higher than +21 degrees. Places for the beds Choose in a windless, shadow spot. Holding to these rules, you will get an environmentally friendly plant rich in vitamins.

It is known that parsley leaves highlight a fragrance that scares insect pests, so planting several rows of greenery next to carrots, salad and other vegetable crops.

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