How to grow decorative cabbage

How to grow decorative cabbage

Do you know about such a plant like a decorative cabbage? If not, then we will introduce you to him and tell how to grow this beauty. The name "decorative" says that this cabbage is very picturesque. She is good and so that it does not lose its attractiveness even in the fall, when all other plants are flowing and die away.

Cabbage decorative is wonderful at least at the flower beds among other colors, even in separate boxes or pots. By the way, it can be grown not only to decorate the garden, but also for eating. It happens with a variety of colorful and form of leaves. It is the leaves collected in unusual sockets, and are a decorative element of the plant. Cabbage is very vigorous, but may well grow in a half. The only thing that, due to the lack of sun, the inflorescences will be painted not so intense, and bushes will grow not very high. In the sun, it can grow to 130 cm and in diameter reach 100 cm. It all depends on the grade - read it on the packaging with seeds.

Cabbage seeds, but across seedlings. The seeds are better to plant in separate pots so that young plants are then not to dive, but to immediately transfer to a permanent place (bed or container). Seedly begin to engage in late March or in early April. Buy the soil "universal" and pour it off in small pots or cups. Moisten the land a little and put two cabbage seeds into each cup. Then sprinkle them with the soil, which should be from above should be no more than 1 cm.

Keep cups indoors with a temperature of 18-20 ° C. If the room is colder, then cover the cups with a film. Cabbage shoots will appear on 3-5 days, and then they need to carefully care for them. So that seedlings are not sick with the "black leg" (a disease of the convergence), water it with a large syringe. Score in it ordinary water and enter the needle in the ground. Thus, plants will be moistened, but the upper layer of the Earth will be dry. Water the cabbage once every two days and follow the sun too much the sun.

In order for seedlings to grow strong, it needs to be twice. The first - immediately after the appearance of the second real leaf, the second - 14-16 days before the landing in the open ground. Feed the cabbage of the Kemio-Universal or Nitroammophos - Divide any fertilizer of 1 tbsp. l. on 5 liters of water. In mid-April, start the seedlings to temper, i.e. Take out a few hours on the street.

Growing early cabbage.

Place the cabbage to the garden at the end of April or in early May, when 4-5 real leaves will grow on it. Initially, the decorative cabbage looks not very interesting - the peak of her beauty occurs at the beginning of autumn. To at first, the flower beds did not look empty, cabbage can be planted into separate large ranges of 10-15 liters. At the same time, three plants are recommended for this volume. Before the appearance of luxurious flowering, the pot can be put aside, and then transfer it to a prominent place in the fall. Or put a cabbage not on the flowerbed, but to another place, and closer to the fall make a transshipment with a lore of the earth. So that the roots in the transplantation are damaged, per day before digging the cabbage, it is necessary to fill with water well.

During the summer, constantly water the decorative cabbage and loose under it. If the bushes are put in the pots, then every two weeks the cabbage feeds with any complex fertilizer for vegetables or colors. When the autumn begin freezing, cabbage in pots can be transferred to the closed cool veranda. If the cabbage grows on the garden, then it is also possible to transplanted into the pots and put into the house. Cabbage will not lose their decorativeness until the new year, but under normal conditions: cool air and moistage soil.

After the cabbage starts fading, remove it into the cellar or basement. Spring bushes again land in open ground, and then in the second year the cabbage will bloom. You can assemble seeds from it to grow seedlings again.

Decorative cabbage4

Decorative cabbage received its name because of the unusual, looking openwork leaves, and due to the variety of its coloring. It happens pink, yellow, green, purple, cream, with colored stains and stripes. Choose cabbage grade and grow this beautiful and unpretentious plant in your site.

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