How to grow eggplant seedlings

How to grow eggplant seedlings

Eggplazhan - Guest from the south, however, successfully passed on our gods. Take care of the sowing of Eggplazan seeds to seedlings already at the end of February - early March, in order to catch the crop on time.

To prepare the soil under seedlings it is necessary to mix 4 parts of the low peat, 3 parts of the humus and 1 part of the river sand. A glass of wood ash and 3 match box of superphosphate are added to the bucket of this mixture, after which all components are thoroughly mixed. You can buy a finished land for seedlings in the store.

Some gardeners themselves collect seeds from the past harvest. Then these seeds must pass the necessary preparation before sowing: they are kept in a 1.5% mortar solution, then treated with a biostimulator, sometimes germinate. The varietal seeds from large manufacturers are supplied to stores already treated from pests and diseases.

Eggplant is a vegetable, which is painfully related to the pickup, so specialists advise to sow seeds not in a common container, but in separate pots. For this, conventional small plastic pots, plastic cups, can be used by special peat pots.

In the prepared pots, the layer of land is poured, not tamping it, but slightly shaking. Seeds need oxygen, otherwise seedlings will be bad. In the center, the pot put eggplant seed. Lightly moisturize ground with a sprayer.

The layer of earth falls from above, about one centimeter, and covers the pot of the film. Future seedlings are placed on a light windowsill. If possible, provide additional lighting with a daylight lamp.

If there is no possibility to sow plants into individual pots, you can use general containers. Then it is necessary to sow not thick, so that when transplanting does not injure the roots. It should be remembered that when picking can be damaged part of the root system, and this will slow down the growth of plants for ten days.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the film must be removed and grow seedlings, watching the humidity and temperature regime. With too high air temperature and insufficient lighting, seedlings will quickly reach up, without gaining strength.

As soon as seedlings grow up, it is transplanted in the pots of more, at least 0.5 liters. When transplanting neatly pull out the seedling together with a lore earth, so as not to disturb the roots.

During the period of growth, the seedlings must be twice. The first feeding is produced 7 days after the dive, the second time is fed after the appearance of this fourth leaf. After feeding, the seedlings are watered to avoid burns.

By the time of landing in the soil, the seedlings "harde" in the fresh air for two weeks. Finished seedlings has 7-9 developed leaves, a strong stalk height 20-30 cm and a developed root system.

Eggplants can be grown in a greenhouse or on the open soil. For three or four plants sit on 1 sq. M. The eggplant does not like shading.

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