How to plant Astra

How to plant Astra

Astra - flower with which the autumn approximation is associated. A variety of colors, forms, as well as the unpretentiousness of this flower - that is why many flower products stop their choice on it. Astra can be grown by a seaside and reckless way, and perennial grades spread to the division of the bush.

A seaside process of cultivation requires more effort and attention, but the result is more reliable. Ensure grow most often elite varieties of colors. Flowering time and sowing point on packing with seeds. Usually until the moment of flowering passes 3 months, but early varieties can bloom after 30 days. In the container for seedlings, the ground is poured, make shallow grooves. The grooves are laying out the seeds and pour the ground by 0.5 cm. The surface of the soil is moisturized, it is better with the help of a pulverizer so that the seeds do not wash out of the soil. The container is covered with film and transfer to a room with a temperature of 18-20 °.

After 5-7 days, shoots appear. The temperature is reduced to 16 ° and do not forget to water seedlings. After 7-9 days a pair of leaflets is formed, and then the seedlings can be picked. A week after the dive, the seedlings feed. The feeder spend once every seven days.

By the middle of May, the graced seedlings can be planted into the ground. Asters love bright smooth places, where water does not accumulate after the rains. It is not recommended to plant astra in the same place where they grew last year. Landing is better spent in the evening. In the prepared wells at a distance of 20-30 cm plant plants, pour them. If the soil is not rich in nutrients, compost, phosphorus-potash fertilizers and ash (100-150 gr per m²) contribute before boarding it. After 3-4 weeks, Astra can be filled.

With a reckless way, Astra sow in the ground early in the spring, as soon as the Earth is ready. The seeds are seeded in shallow grooves, pour from above the soil layer 0.5-0.8 cm. If the weather is dry, slightly watered, mulched or covered with film until shoots appear.

After the leaves appear, and the seedlings are strengthened, they can be switched, carefully digging and transplanting to a new place.

Some varieties of Astra can sow under the winter. Pre-prepared the grooves, approximately 2 cm, and when the Earth will make it, you can sow seeds. From above, crops are mounted with dry peat or humus.

If there is no summer cottage, but I want to admire the beautiful plants, you can try to grow asters in pots on the windowsill. In this case, it is better to sow them in the spring, summer or early autumn: still warm and enough light. With insufficient lighting, daylight lamps or phytolamba are used.

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