How to sow strawberries

How to sow strawberries

Strawberries are a wonderful plant, the benefit of man brings both fruits and leaves, and inflorescences, and even roots. It is especially valued for the high content of vitamins C, B1 and A, organic acids and low calorics. You can grow a delicious berry on your own on the household plot, without fearing to poison chemicals.

Buy seeds you like the varieties of strawberries. It is a forest and garden. Removable varieties are inexpensive and distinguished by the fact that they give a harvest since June and ending with September. Time sowing depends on how soon you want to get a crop. At home, the culture planted at the beginning of February will begin to be froning the upcoming summer. If you are not in a hurry, you can sow strawberries and in May - early June. The main thing is to have to plant seedlings before the onset of cold weather.

Seeds to disembarking should be properly prepared. They are germinated in melt or rainwater for 2-3 days. Water change in the morning and in the evening. Then the swollen seeds spread out on a wet marla to germination.

The quality and composition of the soil is of great importance. It should be porous and easy to prevent strawberry vegetation. You can cook the soil yourself:

  • first option: ½ parts of turf and ¼ peat and sand, some ash and chicken litter;
  • second version: ¼ of the sand and ¾ of peat parts.

This mixture will have to disappear half an hour above the saucepan with boiling water or rolling in the oven to get rid of possible infection with parasites and weeds. Or buy in the store a conventional mixture with neutral acidity, such as universal or for begonia.

As a container for planting sprouted strawberry seeds, a shallow wooden or plastic box with small holes in the bottom is suitable. Pour the land there, shake it and moisturize, but do not sink. Take a tweezers and put it in a soil to a depth of 0.5 cm. The distance between future seedlings is from 2 to 5 cm.

The prerequisite for successful strawberry germination is warmth and light. The optimal temperature is + 20 ... + 25 degrees. Water shooting from the pulverizer to not compact the land. Watch that the soil is not too wet, seedlings can get sick and die.

When two sheets appear on plants, take them away each into a separate pot so that the root system of different plants is not intertwined with each other. For this, a wooden shovel sink strawberries, then add long roots with hands.

From the moment the appearance of germs before landing in the open ground passes 1.5-2 months. A week before the transplantation of strawberry seedlings, take a time to open air first for 30 minutes, and then gradually increase this time. So shoots harnesses and easier transferring "Moving" to a permanent place in the garden or garden.

Place for disembarkation Choose solar, soil additionally supports compost or mineral fertilizers. Saplings of strawberries can be found since May and ending with August. In the prepared ground, fall off the bushes right with the communes of the Earth on them at a distance of 25-40 cm from each other. Then get good.

It will take place for only a few weeks, and a juicy aromatic strawberry grown with their own hands will turn to you first on the garden, and then on the table.

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