How to grow grain

How to grow grain

Wheat varieties differ not only in taste, but also in sowing. If you observe the deadlines and properly care for the culture, wheat gives a good harvest. In this article we will tell you how to grow grain and get an excellent crop.

Winter wheat is sown before the first frost. In October or November, it is necessary to plow the earth and clean it of weeds. Of course, to destroy parasite plants on large fields, sheer herbicides should be used. After a few days, you need to plow the soil and immediately sow the grain. Remember, you need to use pre -processed full -fledged grains. Work is carried out using seeders.

Spring wheat is more demanding, it is sown after the snow gathering and a slight drying out of the earth so that the equipment can work without difficulty on the field. Be sure to make fertilizers before sowing. Spring varieties love nitrogenous minerals, so it is recommended from time to time to process the fields with these fertilizers. Immediately after the seedlings, wheat sprouts are very weak and cannot fight weeds. That is why in the fall it is worth treating the field with herbicides.

In no case should you sow winter varieties in the soil in which sorghum has previously grew. This culture dries the soil, so wheat may not rise. It is advisable to withstand the site under pairs for several months before sowing. This will warm the soil and make it more suitable for growing spring wheat. The yield is affected by the place for sowing. In the forest -steppe it is worth growing winter varieties, and corn and legumes grow perfectly in Polesie.

How to grow grain

In winter, after sowing winter wheat, it is necessary to keep snow in the fields. It prevents the freezing of the plant and increases the crop. To do this, build special embankments and fences that prevent snow blowing. In the country you can plant hedges, they also hold snow on the site. Snow in spring time replenishes the soil with moisture, which contributes to the growth of grain. The more snow on the field, the more wet the soil will be. Accordingly, the root system of the plant will get stronger and will be able to fight weeds.

In anticipation of Easter, grain is grown to decorate the festive table. This tradition has come from ancient times, when sincere eggs were laid out on a plate with sprouted grains. Sprayed grains will help decorate the festive table. In order to germinate the grains, pour them into a bowl and pour water. It is necessary to withstand the seed in water for 8-12 hours. After that, gently drain the water and rinse the grains. Prepare a plate in which you will grow wheat. Place 10-15 layers of gauze on the bottom of the container and pour wet grains into one layer. Cover them with gauze and pour a little water. The gauze should become wet, do not allow water to stand in the plate, otherwise the seed will rot. Every day water the workpiece and do not forget to put a plate in the sun. On the 7-15 day, you will receive sprouts 7-10 cm high. Now it remains to decorate the wheat with Easter decorations.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to grow grain, especially in the conditions of a harsh climate. But adhering to certain rules and terms of sowing, it will be possible to get a generous crop.

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