How to grow a big carrot

How to grow a big carrot

Carrots are one most useful vegetables that can be grown on the household plot. This culture is quite unpretentious. To get a rich harvest of this delicious root, you need to follow several uncomplicated rules.

Carrots love light, so it is worth choosing a plot for its landing, all day under the rays of the sun. It is impossible to plant carrots after parsley, parsnika, celery and dill. It is best grows in beds, where in the previous year they grew up: tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, onions and garlic.

To obtain an early crop, planting under the winter is practiced. But here there is a high probability of freezing of seeds even under good snow cover. Therefore, it is better to spend the early spring landing immediately after the upper layer of soil is warmed. Carrot varieties for Spring Sowing: "Minikor", "Nante", "Vitamin", "Tuskon". It is better to store such varieties as: "incomparable", "Flycoro", "Flacke", "Queen of the Autumn". These varieties have a long time of ripening, and they need to plant them after establishing stable heat.

Preparation of seeds. Pour carrot seeds with warm water, after 10 hours to remove the overlap. To accelerate germination, seeds should be put on a wet piece of fabric and keep so at room temperature for several days. Under these conditions, the seeds will quickly start germinate.

Sowing. Drop the grooves of a depth of 2-3 cm. Abundant to pour them. The distance between the grooves should be about 15 cm, and between seeds - 2 cm and more. For sowing germinated seeds will have to resort to a liquid planting method. For this prepare an ordinary hitch. On the garden to make holes. Seeds put in a bucket with a hubby, mix before planing. A glass with a sprinkle pour seeds into each well. Immediately after sowing, fall asleep with loose land.

Care of beds. Weeds need to be gone immediately after the appearance, because They do not affect the germination. Dense soil deforms the roots, so the land on the garden should always be loose. When the first real leaves appear, it is necessary to break, leaving the distance between the shootings of about 3 cm. Weleep repeat after the appearance of several more leaves, having increased the distance twice. Insufficient watering can lead to the appearance of bitter taste. Water carrots need often enough and abundantly.

Feeding Table spoon nitroposki or two glasses of wood ash stir in water bucket. Finger enough 2 times per season. The first time 2 weeks after the first germs, the second one after 2 months. You can use ready-made complex fertilizers: "Agrikola", "Plata", etc.

Pests. Carrot fly - the most terrible enemy of carrots. It appears on overgrown and overly moisturized beds. It is enough to simply cope with the preparations "Aktellik" and "Intavir". Carrots sick little. Avoiding diseases will allow 1% Bordeaux solution.

The harvest of carrots is collected before the onset of the first frosts - from the second decade of September to the III decade of October.


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