How to grow Katran

How to grow Katran

A new culture that gardeners are increasingly choosing to land on their site instead of familiar horseradish or radish - Katran. This multi-year vegetable is also useful and nutritious, as well as its counterparts, but it is more convenient in cultivation, as it does not clog the site, more yields and is easy in breeding seeds. How to cultivate this spicy vegetable?

The soil for landing the cathrane should be prepared since autumn. Conduct the limness of sour soil - up to 400 g of lime for 1 . Good results can be achieved from compost in the soil (up to 4 kg), humus (up to 50 g) or microfertilizers (30-50 g) in certain proportions for each . After making fertilizer, the soil is quite deeply leaving - by 30-50 cm.

The next stage is the longest and complex - this is a preliminary preparation of seeds to sowing in open ground. Usually, sowing is made in the spring, in the federal and carefully aligned soil, although the cathrane seeds can be in autumn, it is better to do on the lungs and structural soils. Seeds are planted at the end of April. Seeds are very dense, under normal conditions, even if they are favorable, do not sprout. Therefore, they are stratification - maintaining seeds in a wet state under reduced temperature. For this, in January, the Catran Seeds in about two hours need to be soaked in warm water, and after that, mixing with a small amount of wet sand, send for 3 months either to the refrigerator or to the basement. Perfect temperature for germination of seeds 0 ° C. On the eve of sowing, seeds should be separated from the sand and dry. When sowing seeds in the autumn period of the year, stratification passes in the open soil.

Seeding in the fall is made in the ranks with a distance of 70 cm, to a depth of 3 cm, and in the spring - 1.5 cm. In the prepared grooves declined by 15 seeds on . After sowing, the soil is murdered by humus or peat.

Cartman care is not complicated. The first earliers appeared after the appearance by 6-8 cm, and when two to three real leaves appear - up to 20 cm, the soil constantly loose, remove weeds, it is plentiful to the second period of vegetation and periodically feed. When pests appear, which affect the entire cabbage family, the plant should be treated with herbicides.

In the process of developing plants, they should be fed (especially in the first period of vegetation) chicken litter in the ratio of water 1:10 and mineral fertilizers (50 g per 10 liters of water).

In the fall during the preparation of the root, the yellowed leaves are cut off from the cathrean, and the aisle is cleaned.

In the second year, the spring plant is again feedd by mineral fertilizers, and the soil is well loose. Flowerines formed at the shoots are removed.

It is possible to clean the roots for the second year (usually in the month of October), although with enhanced care a good harvest can be obtained after the first year of sowing. It is worth considering that when collecting the harvest of the first year, Katarna roots are more tender, thin in diameter, so it is not so resistant to fading, like the rhizomes of the second or third year sowing.

By choosing this high-yielding culture for landing on your site, you will receive a universal seasoning and assistant in providing your body with useful substances and trace elements. Katran is saturated with vitamins of group RR, with, carotine, vitamin B, proteins, minerals, essential oils, phytoncides. Juicy roots of this plant can be used when salting of tomatoes and cucumbers, for the manufacture of spicy seasonings or sauces to meat or fish dishes. Young and juicy katrana leaves can be used in a salad.

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