How to grow oregano

How to grow oregano

Oregano (oregano) is a very famous multi-year medicinal plant. It's not difficult to grow soul. In nature, it grows on the side of the roads, the edges of a rigous forest, glades. Loves sunlight, but grows in the shade. It is very decorative, with beautiful little pink flower plant, decorate a flowerbed or flower garden in the garden. It is used in medicine and cooking.

Prepare the soil: choose a solar, well-ventilated, an open area with fertile land. The plant is perennial, and it is necessary to grow it without changing the place for several years in a row. Dropping the bed in the fall, add manure.

It is better to grow through seedlings, the seeds of the souls are too small and the sprouts are weak. In the open soil, they take a long time and grow slowly, it is more reliable to prepare seedlings on the windowsill. Walking seeds at the end of February - in early March in cups or boxes. Seed landing is made on a small depth of 0.5-1 cm. After 2 weeks, with proper care, the seeds will germinate.

Sprinkle seedlings into the ground with the onset of warm days when the return freezes are excluded. In about the first days of summer or at the end of May, a warm spring in the estate prepared since the fall. The soil must be carefully looked, breaking carefully, to easily be complex fertilizers. The distance between the devices of the souls is about 20-40 cm.

Oregano does not tolerate moisture stagnation, but he loves regular watering. It is impossible to allow soil cut. Water not a big jet, but a small shower of watering. Regularly loose and step by beds, because Weeds can score the plant, especially at the beginning of growth. Landing can be molded with sponded straw. The height of the devils of the souls is 60-100 cm. Blooms for the second year.

Cut soul shoots with flowers at a distance of 5 cm from the ground. It is best to do it in the period from July to September, when the bloom of the souls reaches a maximum, and it exudes the strongest fragrance. Cut shoots to tie into bundles and dry in a shaded, well ventilated place. Dry soul is more fragrant than fresh. It is necessary to store grass bundles in a dry, cool place, not in the sun. Leaves with shoots better remove.

The winter of landing of the souls is tolerated well, and it can not be covered. Crop the spring old twigs with bushes so that young shoots develop well. It is necessary to change the place of disembarking a landing place 5-6 years.

Oilsman ordinary is an excellent decorative plant, with a pleasant aroma. How seasoning oregano or mayoran is used in a huge amount of dishes. If you drink tea with souls, you can get rid of headaches, neurosis, insomnia. Baths with decoction of souls are shown in skin diseases, make it clean and beautiful. In the cabinet, the soul will protect things from moth.

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Yuliya 04/16/2015 at 0:20

Hello, bought a seedling of soulsi, help to figure out whether it is necessary to make mineral fertilizers in the pit when landing, or can you do without them?

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