How to grow a hydrangea of \u200b\u200bseeds

How to grow a hydrangea of \u200b\u200bseeds

Beautiful hydrangea will decorate each garden. The flower manites a huge variety of paints and species. Grow hydrangea by sowing and stalling. If sprouting is nowhere to take, then we buy seeds, read the article and proceed to landing.

Before planting seeds should be germinated. To do this, take a saucer, put on the bottoms disheveled cotton wool, pour the seeds and cover the wool another layer. Pour boiled water in a saucer and leave for a couple of days. When an unpleasant smell or mucus appears, it's urgently rinse the seeds under running water and overpowered. You can hang out as soon as the root or seed will swell. Landing is carried out and dry seed.

The soil for hydrangea should contain sand, peat, turf, leaf or coniferous ground, humus. If you do not have all the components, hop the forest soil or collect from the mole. With a mass reproduction of hydrangea, the landing is performed in wooden boxes, then covered with glass. If in a flower pot, then the sprout is covered with a jar. Consider sowing the detail.

To get a lot of seedlings, take a large wooden box with a depth of 15 cm. Put the ground, leaving 3-5 cm free sides. Dry seed seeds directly to the ground without additional recess in the soil and cover. Usefully water with water from the watering can and cover with glass or film. As soon as the first shoots appear, remove the film. At this time, follow the humidity of the soil and periodically ventilate the earth. In the same way, they sow hydrangea in flower pots, only instead of the film uses a jar. By the way, the cuttings are also placed in the jar at room breeding.

For gentle or dry seeds, which are planted into the open soil, hammer a small bed. Dry seeds are scattered chaotic, then they are embarrassed and sprinkled with sand or layer of Earth for 1 cm. The sprouters are neatly immersed in the soil at a depth of 1 cm, they are also sprinkled. The landing in the gardens produce in a well-warmed soil, the optimal time is May early June. The first leaves will appear after 3 weeks a month.

Landing across seedlings will speed up the growth and flowering of hydrangea. When the plant gave two real leaves, dissolve thick pigs on the pots. As soon as the bush reached 7-10 cm, fall into the pot in a depth of 10 cm or send to the open soil if the spring window.

Care for young and adult individuals is to feed, watering, weeding from weeds and pest treatment. The soil of young plants always keep wet as soon as the top layer of the soil dries, irrigate the water again, but do not allow the bay of the plant. Publishing in special stores precisely for hydrangea or acidic with a pH level of 5.5. There is a small secret, like the bush of one color to make a striking, blue-rose plant. In the spring, add aluminum, sulfate or sulfur salt into the soil. For the smooth transition of the color enrich the earth unevenly.

And finally, fasten the material: hydrangea garden adores water, shadow and acidic soil. After watching the video, you will get interesting information about the subtleties of the composition of the Earth and Mulching. Adhere to the rules for care, and the magnificent rustling of flowering will delight every year.

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