How to grow Hortinzia

How to grow Hortinzia

Hydrangea is a tall shrub with gorgeous flowers that make eyes plenty for many weeks and even months. This plant will decorate your garden almost all summer, and with the onset of autumn his flowers can be cut off, put a beautiful bouquet from it. In addition, hydrangea can grow and blossom there, where other flowers do not even come down.

Choosing a plot for planting hydrangea, pay attention to the preferences of this plant, in contrast to most colors and shrubs Hydrangea does not like direct sunlight, on the contrary, they can slow down the growth and development of the bush, so it grows perfectly in half. In addition, hydrangea prefers the acidic soil, which is known to be abundant in many summer cottages. So it makes Hortensia an ideal candidate for growing and decorating the garden.

The plant breeds seeds, cuttings and gods. But to speed up the flowering time, it is better to use the second and third ways. In addition, the hydrangea is sold in abundance by seedlings, often even already blooming, just buy them in proven places - stores or garden farms. Also, do not forget to specify whether this variety is frozen. Since among the hydrangea hydrangea with very beautiful spherical inflorescences, non-neurose-resistant forms are not uncommon. Such flowers are grown in large pots or tubs and for the winter are entering a house or a greenhouse.


Prepare for the landing of the hydrangea to the pit in the depth and width half meter. Make drainage, hydrangea, although it loves wet soil, but water is hardly appreciated. Pour a fertile land in a pit, the rigorous peat, sawdust, fir needles - Hydrangea loves the acidic soil. Please note that the hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthe tree is a pretty high shrub and can reach a height of 2-2.5 meters, and the same in diameter, so that they put it away from other landings and trees, so that it is where to develop and not interfere with other cultures. Put the seedlock inside the pit, try not to leave the roots, it is better to transplant with the one room in which the plant grew. Sprinkle the earth, Pour, compact and inspire the ground with sawdust or cheese.

Hydrangea Care Methods are the most ordinary: weeding, loosening, watering - hydrangea loves moisture very much. Water it a couple of times a week - on the bush 3-4 buckets of water. If the hydrangea lacks moisture, the leaves and flowers dull, begin to sweat and turn out, but everything can be fixed on time. If it is hot weather after watering, mulch the ground. An interesting feature of many varieties of hydrangea is that her flowers are able to change color. A bushes are absolutely stunningly, at the same time there are inflorescences of blue, pink, lilac flowers. Such an effect is achieved when watering with special alum.


Take the first trimming no earlier than the bustice will be 5-6 years old (check the age of seedling when buying), otherwise you will strongly weaken the plant. Then cut it annually. Broken and dried branches must be deleted. Prothesing in spring to the dissolution of the kidneys. Hydrangea is responsive to feeding - every year in the spring and autumn, fertilize the bush superphosphate and urea. In order to strengthen the root system, add from time to time to water for watering the manganese so that the solution was weakly pink.


Most of the Hortensia tree tricks are well tolerated by winter, but young bushes, which preserved the flexibility for the first 4-5 years, is still better to strengthen the winter. For this, the bushes are triggered to the ground, gearly binds are neatly in the sheaf, strengthen the brackets so that they do not straighten, and they are covered with a coniferous sweetheart. And after falling out of snow, an extra layer is heated on the sheltered bush.

Hydrangea blooms from July to September - all this time the bush decorate the caps of flowers of white, pink, blue or lilac color. White hydrangea often with the onset of autumn is painted in a pinkish-red color. Blooming bush with hundreds of buggy or spherical inflorescences looks completely luxurious and will be a real work of art on your site.


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