When, how or winter, our body is lacking in the diet of green parsley, fennel or other such vegetation, which in the summer is always plenty on the beds? After all, with the help of green can be filled with vitamins, to improve the immune system. Grow a storehouse of vitamin is not so difficult at home, if you know the features of the care of these cultures. Let's examine the process of the subtleties.
Selecting varieties for planting greenery on the windowsill
Start the process with a trip to the store. The choice of seed varieties there is very diverse. On packages painted wonderful pictures. There is an opinion that it is sufficient to lower a seed in a pot with soil, watering start, and after a few days, the result will be. However, it is not. When buying seeds look at the product description. Take those varieties, which indicates that they are suitable for growing in the home environment.
green onions
Greens with onions growing in the water in the ground. Moreover, when to plant onions in the ground, it does not need much sleep. Do not forget to water the soil well, the plant loves moisture. Perhaps the green onions, the most undemanding plant. It does not need soil makeup. Feathers grow quickly, in two weeks it is already possible to make hodgepodge.
Green salad
If you need a green salad, then choose the best watercress. Undemanding plant will give you a good harvest. Watercress well do without feeding. Pluck it right when he grows up. Do not wait until it becomes unfit for consumption. Salad tends to grow rapidly. After that sow new seeds, wait for the next harvest.
Basil, dill, parsley
This kind of greenery is unpretentious. If we sit down from the bed, as seedlings, the plants will quickly fit. And the seeds of parsley, the basilica will germinate at least in 20-21 days. Dill goes after 18-30 days (depending on the variety). Severy greens can be rows or randomly.
Sorrel, spinach
These cultures love ventilated, bright rooms. It is necessary to plant them in large pots with drainage and sufficient land. More sod and spinach required feeding. Make it every two weeks. For fertilizer, use coffee, tea thick.
What to use the land for growing greenery on the windowsill
Well, if you take a special soil in a flower shop for growing seedlings, room colors. It is perfect for greens. For landing seeds, ordinary pots for indoor plants are suitable or special boxes that sell in a garden store. In the containers, you need to make several holes in the bottom to exit excess fluid. Then put the middle size of the stones for drainage. From above the soil for greenery. Pour warm, even hot water. Through the time when the soil cools, drink seeds. From above, pour them with a small layer of land. The surface of the soil layer should not reach the edge of the pot on 2-3 cm. Periodically, as needed - water the seeds so that the soil is not dry.
Additional lighting for growing greenery on the windowsill
Your vegetation, especially in winter short days, will need additional lighting. As an "artificial sun", use daylight lamps. Include them approximately by this mode: in the evening from 16 to 23, in the morning from 5-8 hours.
The greens that you grow up with your own hands is much more useful than that you buy on the market. In addition, you will also get great pleasure from the process.