How to grow sorrel on the windowsill

How to grow sorrel on the windowsill

Many people grow sorrel at home. You can also follow the example of our grandmothers and arrange a flower bed on the window sill. Sorrel will always be at hand, besides green plants produce oxygen and purify the air.

The germination plant requires sunlight, but later it is well tolerated shade and even needs it. For planting sorrel should choose a bright and well ventilated room. In this case - the windowsill, so the problems with the ventilation will not be exact. Experts recommend to grow plants on window sills that extend to the west or east.

To begin to acquire land. You can buy it, or just dig in his dacha. When buying, make sure that the soil is designed specifically for garden plants, not flowers. You will also need one or more boxes for seedlings. Suitable plastic or wooden versions with holes in the bottom. Note that they must be placed on the window sill. On the bottom of the box pour pebbles, then put the form of coarse sand and soil directly.

For planting is ideal sorrel, which grows three years. In October, dig the roots out of the ground and store them before planting in a cool dry place. In December, take roots and shorten them by 10-12 cm. Then gently put them in boxes with prepared soil to a depth of 15-17 cm. To rosette of leaves not much to grow, plant them close to each other.

During the week keep the temperature in the range of 10-12 ° C, and then amplify it up to 18-20 ° C. In the first period after planting roots well watered. Later sorrel watering as the soil dries. 30-35 days, the plant will be ready for use. If you properly care for a sorrel, you will be able to collect three consecutive harvest has until April!

There is another option - to germinate seeds in the soil. Before planting, be sure to check them on quality. To do this, take a saucer and pour water to the bottom. Put the pinch of seeds there. Put the saucer into a warm place and see two days later, sprouts appeared or not. Moisten the soil and put the seeds of sorrel into small holes to depth 1 cm. The distance between the beds should be about 6-7 cm.

8 sowing

For fertilizer sorrel, use the following composition. Take 30 g of Selitera's solution, 40 g of supelphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride. Divide these ingredients in 10 liters of water. Consider 0.5 liters at once. The fertilizer is also suitable for a coffee thickness, a branch of a lung husk or a sleepy tea. Feed sorrel with fertilizers twice a month.

Now you know how to grow sorrel on the windowsill. Do not forget to regularly water and fertilize the plant. With competent care, sorrel will grow very well and quickly!

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