How to grow Pepino

How to grow Pepino

Pepino, sweet cucumber or melon pear - a perennial plant, the leaves of which are similar to the leaves of pepper, flowers - like potatoes. Fruits to taste resemble a melon with a slightly noticeable taste of tropical fruits. Before use with them you need to cut skin. The fruits are added to salads, desserts, boil jam. The plant grows quite high - up to 1.5 m, and the stem can be leftovers.

The germination of the seeds of a melon pear is low, not all germinate. Before the appearance of sprouts can pass up to 30 days. The seeds are very small, so it is necessary to plant them not deeply and slightly cover the earth. Landing is carried out in January-February.

After the appearance of two seedlist leaves, the sprouts need to be signed in separate containers. The land should be very loose, light, since the pear melon does not tolerate the lack of oxygen. After picking, the plant needs to be powered by a solution of manganese.

When the roots of seedlings will braid all the container with the ground, it will be necessary to transplant it in a more spacious pot. Care for the grained Pepino is the same as for tomato. After once a week, stepsing.

Looking into an open ground can be carried out when constant warm weather is established - about mid-May. Rooted Pepino very quickly.

As soon as the plant goes into growth, it will be necessary to fix the trunk by tapping. Pepino loves very much, so every day the stripping of stepsing is carried out.

The root system of pears melon surface, watering is often often, but not plentiful. Fertilize the bird litter, the infusion of a cow. Fruits ripen for 130-150 days after the first germs appeared, somewhere in mid-August. The fruits are considered ripe when purple stripes appear on them, the skin turns yellow, and the aroma of melon appears.

Pepino on the winter is recommended to be transferred to the room and raise on the windowsill. In the spring it can be discharged and put in an open ground.


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