How to grow mint.

How to grow mint.

Mint - an extremely invasive perennial plant. Rhizome is growing quickly, and if you are not ready to highlight the entire area of \u200b\u200bfertile soil under the mint, then the plant is better to plant in pots or mark the edge, inserting the plates of tin or polymer material in the ground.

Front Landing You need to choose a variety. There are about 600 varieties of mint. Breeders allocate 4 main types:

  • Peppermint. Growing to 1m height. The roots go deep into 15 cm, where nodes are formed, of which the small roots of the new bush germinate. Leaves of peppermint bright green Color. Flowers - pink or pile purple color.
  • Field mint. Grows Mostly near ponds. The height of the bush is no more 50 cm. Form of leaves - oval or rounded.
  • Mint fragrant. It has a mild attractive aroma, actively grows. The leaves of this species are distinguished by the embossed structure and framed by white edge.
  • Mint apple. It is more often used in cooking due to a gentle resistant odor and the appropriate taste. Muted Mint taste is supplemented with an aroma of an apple or pineapple. Grows a bush tall up to 55 cm.

If You are a novice gardener, then do not experiment with seeds - it is quite complicated and labour intensive process. Buy seedlings or multiply the plant with cuttings. Little escape Place in loose Soil and sprinkle earth. Over time, the cuttings are rooted. Mint need to plant on well lighted loose fertile soil. Restored Under mint, clean the site from weeds, make organic fertilizers. Control the level of humidity: excess water or full her absence will lead To the death of the plant.

Water mint once a week, if there is no rain. Sugayivate reserved zone from weeds and regularly loose soil by hoe or other comfortable garden tool. In the vegetative period, feed the plant with nitrogen-phosphoric fertilizers, and closer to the autumn, thoroughly climb the soil dry earth Or cover the straw.

If You want to grow mint in a pot on the windowsill, then proceed as follows. Get fresh mint in the supermarket or on the market, cut out a few twigs and place them in a glass with water. Capacity Put in a sunny place and wait until the stem will start the roots. Regularly tighten the water into the glass so that the water level remains at a sufficient level. When the roots rise by 5 cm, fall out the mint into a spacious pot from 30 cm in diameter.

It is advisable to put mint in the sandy compost. A third pot fill in fertile soil and compost. In the pallet regularly add some water, because mint grows In well-drained soil. Next to the plant, insert several wooden pegs, you can pencils. When the sprout is rooted, you can withdraw them. Moisturize the soil way irrigation.

Mint loves sunlight. The plant is unpretentious, however requires proper care and regular humidification. In the area, the mint must be protected or tin, because the root system is actively growing.

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