How to put onion bobber

How to put onion bobber

Juicy and sharp Luk Batun asks on the table along with the first spring greens. Luk-Batun, in contrast to his relatives, many years of. The rootpode in food is practically not used, but the green "inflated" sprouts are very piquant and decorate the table. Arriving a bow-batun once, the plant practically does not require much care.

In the fall, before landing onions, it is necessary to switch the future bed and make a compost from 1-2 buckets per square meter. In the spring, we introduce an ascent of 150-200 grams per square meter or 20-30 grams of urea.

You can propagate the bowbun with the help of a bush dividing, with this method - the crop will be the next spring. Or seeds, then the first harvest will collect on the second year.

Seed seed in March or July. Pump out grooves 1,5-2 centimeters depth, the distance between the beds is 25-30 centimeters.

You do not need seeds to soak, after sowing a garden mulch with a compost. Water well.

Saw leek bobber bushes, the distance between the beds should be made more - about 40 centimeters. Distance between bushes 25-30 centimeters.

The wells before boarding well, we put the sprouts on the same depth, which there was a parent plant. Busts sprinkle the earth and ignion.

Be sure to follow, so that there is no dry crust on the garden, we water the plant carefully. Shoots appear in a couple of weeks.

It is necessary to cut the bowbun, which was planted by seeds. It should be done when 2-3 leaves appear. Leave gaps of 2-3 centimeters. The plant needs to cut forward and the second - third time, if the greenery is too much. Usually for 3-4 days.

It is possible to use the arrow with a length of 10-15 centimeters. At the same time, they need to be cut off with a knife, and not pull out.

In the summer, you follow the Batun not blooming. Coloros cut off with a knife. Otherwise, the leaves will be loaded and become unsuitable for food.

To the first colds, the arrow of Luca Batuna dry out, they need to be removed, and the aisle thoroughly burst.

Onion Batun

Luk-Batun is a perennial plant, however, it is recommended to grow in one place for no more than 5 years, because the yield will start falling. Landing need from time to time to update.

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