How to plant Cheremshu.

How to plant Cheremshu.

The abrade, and otherwise the bear onion and the bow of the victorious - a medicinal plant rich in vitamins C and A. It is impossible to collect it, because the abrade is listed in the Red Book, but you can sell yourself on your own or in the garden.

Cheremsha loves dampness and coolness, better plan her in the shade of trees or near the ponds. If you do not want the plant to come asleep only in a year, plant seeds in early spring at a temperature of 0-3 ° C. In this case, the seed stratification required for the growing plant growth will occur. If there is no possibility to put the brightest in the garden at this time of year, then you can resort to another method. Seed put on a wet fabric and place in the refrigerator for a month. After growing them in a drawer filled with loose soil, and at the end of May, transfer to the soil in the garden.

It is necessary to take into account that the large sizes of the gear sprouts reach only for the third year, so take patience and wait. Clean the garden specifically dedicated to the gardens specially allocated for the abrade. Be extremely attentive, because the gear sprouts are difficult to distinguish between ordinary herbs, and the plant can be destroyed.

The bulbs of the ability are sitting as early in the spring. Place them in a row at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other into the grooves depth to 5 cm. Thoroughly water the plant so that the moisture is enough for a long time - the abrade loves her. Formed patterns necessarily rush, as they deplete the bulbs of the abrade.

Cheremsh - the plant is unpretentious. The greatest need for a bearish luka consists in the presence of a large amount of moisture. Good "feeding" for the abyrth - nitrogen fertilizers. Upborn as heavy leaves - also a great option, even this will be quite enough.

During flowering, uneven ripening of seeds occurs. First, the upper layers are ripening, and when they begin to fall, sleeve the bottom. In order not to lose seeds, dine paper bag on inflorescence. After the plant flowed down, his leaves begin to be down. This is the main sign that it's time to transplant.

Do not try to cut all the plants right away - do it, choosing the largest and healthy. Thus, the plants will not stop growing, and the harvest will come out with rich and abundant.

If you comply with all the rules for planting and leaving the plant, then over the summer from one square meter it will be possible to collect 2-3 kg of greenery.

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