How to plant radish

How to plant radish

Unpretentious "Cook" Radish is a good root plant grown in its garden plot, will not only serve as a magnificent nutritional ingredient enriched with a huge complex of minerals and vitamins, but also a fairly effective drug against a cold cough. To take advantage of this miracle with food and medicine, it needs to be planted.

For a start, we will purchase rounded brown seeds, of which the cornetods are different in the form and color scheme, but are completely the same taste and color (white) inside. When buying, ask the view and variety of seeds. Popular varieties - Radish Black Round and Round White.

Radish is a two-year plant. Decide with the period for landing. There may be two of them. Squeeze radish seeds in early spring, starting from late April, if you want to get a fast summer or early harvest of root crops. Winter varieties designed mainly for storage are planted since the end of June and until the middle of the summer, and the early landing is undesirable, which can lead to the cracking of the root.

The choice of the landing area is the main stage of the landing. Choose the illuminated piece of the Earth, if you do not want to have deformed roots with a big barley. Do not plant radish to the place where the flower plants were previously grown.

The key to a good harvest of roots is the preparation of soil under the landing. Korneflodes do not like the land with fresh manure, so enrich the soil with humus in advance, in the fall (per 1 sq.m. 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof fertilizers). Suglining, weakly acidic and fertile soils should be under it, but in the spring, in any case, dig a plot to the depth of the bayonet shovel, which will saturate the soil with oxygen. At this moment, phosphoric fertilizers or urea will be useful.

Planting seeds - an exciting moment. Weeks for two to landing well burst and plenty of land. How the earth will dry, make a deep-3 cm to 3 cm deep from each other. Pour the seeds of radish 3 pieces every 10-15 cm. Abundant poliva once a week, sometimes with mineral fertilizers, breaking once a month, weeding and loosening as needed - this is the final stages of landing.

We comply with the simple rules of landing, causing with the opportunity for this wonderful vegetable culture, which for all its advantages of unpretentiousness withstands small frosts, - we get a useful root cornery set in the people of the "Sanitar of the Human Body".

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