How to plant potatoes

How to plant potatoes

Spring - time for planting potatoes. But the harvest is good, it is necessary to follow certain rules, and also prepare for sowing in advance. You will need: potato tubers, potassium sulfate, superphosphate, boric acid, manganese, wood ash, compost.

The ground for landing is desirable to prepare in the fall. For this, 1 bucket of compost is used, 1 cup of wood ash, 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulphate per 1 square meter. m soil. Fertilizers are added in turn, the Earth after each component is loosened by robbles. If the soil is acidic, the dolomite flour is additionally used. Do not use fresh manure to enrich the soil: it makes the Earth too nitrous, which leads to the blackening of potatoes during cooking.

20-30 days before landing, approximately in mid-March, tubers are prepared for landing. If they stayed since last year, they greatly germinate themselves. In the case of purchase, the potatoes for planting are selected healthy, without rot, medium sized. Tubers, pre-washed in a solution of manganese, are set vertically into one layer and stored in a light room (not under direct solar rays) at a temperature of 20 ° C until the sprouts appeared 1 cm height. Growing in the dark is fraught with the growing of thin and high stalks that can break when landing. Germinating tubers are sprayed with a mixture of water and mineral fertilizer.

The land for potatoes should be a fund of 10 cm, the most appropriate time for landing - mid-April, when birch leaves are blooming. The garden is divided from north to south. The tubers are rushing with a solution of 20 g of boric acid on 10 liters of water and left until complete drying. Squares for landing in a depth of about 15-20 cm are filled with 5 cm by humus and ash, after which the tubers are put and fall asleep. From above, everything is smoothed by robbles. The distance between the wells is 30 cm, the width between the rows is 80 cm.

After planting abundantly pouring a bed. The expected time to shoot potatoes is about 10 days.

Approximately 90 days, when the leaves are dry, potatoes are stored. However, enjoy the wonderful taste of the real natural product, which you will surely be sure, you can almost immediately after flowering.

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