Calla - tender and capricious flowers that require a special relationship. But even they can be easily tamed, if you know the basic preferences of the flower, and not violate its life rhythm.
Choosing tubers, pay attention to their quality and appearance. Do not take sluggish, risen or wrinkled bulbs. There will be much time on their recovery, so you can not count on blooming in the current year. Clubneelukovitsa must be solid, without damage and unpleasant odor. It is advisable to buy larger tubers with nodules, of which the roots are subsequently form.
Start germination is best in April. Until this time, you can store calla in the cellar, on a closed balcony or in a vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Preliminary tubers are better wrapped in a paper napkin or towel.
In mid-April, Calla is time to wake. Wrap the club in cotton, wet fabric and leave for a couple of days in a dark place. For moisturizing the material, you can also use the growth stimulator. The drugs such as Epin, Gibbellin or Heteroaceuxin have proven well well.
When the roots appear, calla can be planted. To do this, pick a small pot in which the clubnelaukovice will be slightly closely. These plants love the acidic soil, therefore the composition is optimally suitable for the composition of the turf, peat, leafy land and sand, in the ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1. The bottom of the pot cover the large drainage, layer in 5 cm, fall asleep the rest of the space. It is desirable that the pot to the edge you have at least 10 cm. Make a small well and span it with water.
Callas should be planted with a smooth, rounded side down to a depth of 2-3 cm. Carefully, not tamping, sprinkle its land and break it again. After that, Calle is desirable to cover with a polyethylene package and leave on the windowsill. Before the first shoot, the flower is better to keep under the film.
Try not to fill the flower. Calla love moisture, but excessive irrigation can cause them disease and rotting. After the appearance of the first sprouts, remove the film from the pot and put it on the windowsill or a closed balcony. If you want Calla to have a smooth, beautiful form, then the pot should be periodically rotated.
In June, when the frosts are no longer foreseen, Callas can be planted into open ground. To do this, it is desirable to choose a wet place next to the reservoir. You can also put calila in the fellow trees. If you wish, you can simply endure the flower on the summer terrace, leaving it in a pot.
Once every two weeks, calila must be watered with a nutrient solution for tuberukovichny cultures. For this, the solution of spinning, Abele, "Caulifos-N" is optimally suitable.
The flowering of these plants is very long and lasts three to four months. If you comply with all the recommendations, after three months you can admire the first colors.