How to plant a Beijing cabbage

How to plant a Beijing cabbage

Beijing cabbage has wrinkled, solid and soft leaf plates. Its growing is different from ordinary cabbage. Beijing variety is very productive, frost resistant, which allows you to get several crops for the season. You can put such a cabbage immediately in the ground or across seedlings.

Seeds are sown, starting from May to August. Between the subsequent crops they make an interval of 15 days. For spring, leafy varieties are chosen, and for summer - forming kochan.

Seeds can be planted in two ways. The first method is lowercase with subsequent thinning. After weeding, the distance between the cabbage should remain 30 cm, and between the rows - 50 cm.

In the second method, the wells are made, leaving between them 30 cm. In one hole, 3-5 seeds plant. When thinning, leave the most deer.

In both cases, the depth of planting seeds should be no more than 2 cm. The garden will need to be covered with a film, since, unlike adult plants, seedlings do not tolerate frosts.

Even before the appearance of shoots, the land sprinkles ascent to protect against the cruciferous flew. This pest is present in places where radish grew, so when planking landing it should be considered.

Although it is preferable to plant a Beijing cabbage immediately into the ground, a seaside method is also practiced. This plant is capricious to the dive. It is better to grow in peat pots to grow in peat pots and in the transplant to plant along with them. In a seaside method, the maturation time is reduced.

This view of the cabbage loves the lungs rich in the organic, drained soils. Prefers well-lit places.

The main care for the Beijing cabbage consists of abundant irrigation, loosening and pest control.


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