How to plant Kohlrabi.

How to plant Kohlrabi.

Kabesta Kohlrabi in their taste is similar to white cabbage, but does not contain bitterness. It is more sweet and juicy. Kohlrabi is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, calcium, ascorbic acid, it is a dietary product. This cabbage can easily transfers freezing to -4 ° C and grows almost on any soil.

Thanks to good frost resistance, Kohlrabi plant pretty early. To get the Cabbage Vintage several times, it is necessary to plant seedlings in 2-3 reception in the spring, and the seeds in the open ground - in May, mid-June and July 15.

It is better to acquire the finished seedlings of Kohlrabi, but it is necessary to sow it in January. This is suitable for heated greenhouse owners. Seedlings acquired at the end of January - early March, you can land in warm greenhouses. In the second half of March, seedlings should be put under the film.

If Kohlrabi landing is planned for April month, you can grow seedlings yourself. But it needs to be done in a greenhouse or greenhouse. It is necessary to plant seeds from late February to mid-March. Seeds to harden and plant a depth of 1 cm (3 g of seeds per 1 m²). To obtain a multiple crop, the seeds must be sowed with a time interval of 2-3 weeks.

The seedlings of early grades Kohlrabi need to land in an open ground in late April, the age of plants should be 30 days. In the landing well put a handful of humus, put a sprout, pour and mulch. Landing depth 5-7 cm.

Kohlrabi does not like excess moisture. It should be watering often, but in small volumes. Insufficient watering will affect taste. The earth should always be wet, otherwise the steblacks are cracking.

Regularly needed to loosen the soil, but not to dip. Feed better organic fertilizers or herbal infusion. The only enemy Kohlrabi is a cruciferous flew. For treatment it is impossible to use chemical fertilizers - only ash. Plants need to pour, sift ash through a sieve and sprinkle leaves.

Harvest Kohlrabi should be assembled when steblacks are achieved 7-8 cm in diameter. Early varieties can be eaten with leaves. In later varieties, designed for storage, cut off the leaflets, dry the fruits and fold into the cellar, laying on the sand.

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