How to plant Alychu

How to plant Alychu

Alycha is a relative of such trees like plum, apricot and peach. This cultural tree is of great popularity in dacnis. The fruits of this tree are very useful, help with throat diseases, have a choleretic, diuretic and laxative action, rich in vitamins, give energy the human body. Alycha will give a rich harvest if different varieties of this tree grow in the garden - it is necessary for pollination. There are different varieties of Alychi: found, ruby, tent, granite, hep. The main differences between the varieties are a period of ripening fruit and frost resistance.

The very first thing you need to take into account that this tree does not like great moisture, so you should not land Alych in places where water is stared. Also, beauty Alycha loves the sun. The greater the sun, the fracture the fruit.

Saplings must be coresal, and better buy them in the same region, where they live, then they will come better.

Recommend to plant Alych in the fall, and in the spring the inhabitants of the northern regions are planted. The pit is digging 4 days before the landing of the tree: the depth of 60 centimeters and the width is somewhere meter. There are poured: humid 15 kg, 400 g of superphosphate or 800 g nitroposki. If the seedling is with the ground, then the earth needs to pour well before landing. The roasting cervical neck when landing should be on the same level from the earth.

Disembarking trees

When the seedling in the ground, then it needs to be well. And it is recommended to make mulching around the plant.

Fertilizing (manure, peat, humus) Alychu is needed three times: early in the spring and twice in summer - in June and in July. This will allow you to get a good harvest in the near future, because, Alycha begins to quickly give the fruit. And the fruits themselves are good mistresses will always find application. You can preserve them and brew jam, compote, and use to prepare first dishes.

Those who decide to plant this garden culture, and will care well for her, very lucky, because Alycha is an unpretentious tree that gives a lot of harvest. From one small tree you can collect five vests of fruits.




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