Blackberry is a spiny shrub with berries, outwardly similar to Malina. In the process of ripening, the fruits gradually acquire a black color. Berries have a rich sweet taste and a strong aroma.
There are two blackberry species:
blackberry bushy, has blue-purple berries, flexible and spiny stems, then raising, then under bed;
blackberry Sizai or WITHOUT AREA, a semi-stabbed with straight stems, on which a light raid and thin spikes are formed, black berries have a nuclear hue.
The boarding of blackberries is better to carry out early spring, before the appearance of the kidneys on the plant. You should choose a bright solar place protected from drafts. It is preferable to plant near the fence, and in the future it will be possible to do without tapping. Blackberry prefers free space, so it is necessary to take care that other plants are not closer than 3 m.
Types of boarding of blackberries:
root cuttings are laid along a groove of 8-10 cm wide and a depth of 5-8 cm;
green offspring are plumbing in holes 10-15 cm and a diameter of 15-20 cm;
overweight siblings on the rooted cutlery are planting in a deep furrow with a width and a depth of 25-30 cm.
At the bottom of the wells or grooves lay a layer of land with a compost, the superphosphate is added and the earth is sprinkled without fertilizer. From above placed roots and continue to fall asleep with fertile soil with mineral fertilizers, gradually watering the plant.
After landing around the blackberry bush make the hole so that the water could linger there. But it is not necessary to pour a lot to the roots of the plant not rot. Be sure to impact, since the roots of blackberries love a large amount of air.
Blackberry has a two-year development cycle. With proper landing in the first year, the blackberry is growing, and in the second - gives a rich harvest.