Rosehip combines a lot of useful properties and qualities: besides the fact that this spiny shrub can serve as an excellent alive hedge, beautiful flowers also grow on it, and healthy frigues are formed behind them. So the cultivation of a rosehip in its homely plot is well-deserved.
Decide with the assignment of a rosehip on your country and choose a variety of plants. Naval Ryshovnik - short, but with very large fruits, gardening types of rosehip have beautiful flowers, often different colors and will decorate any plot. If you need to be able to prefer through your fence through your fence, give preference to the most spiny types of rosehip. Rosehip is a unpretentious plant that grows, launching roots underground - and from this root can grow a whole piece, so limit the two-three seedlings - for several years they will grow a great live elevation. If you want a detached bush, it is worth thinking about how not to put the roots on the reserved area. You can pave the edges of the pit, dugged under the landing by slate or other strong material, through which the roots do not break, or constantly remove the extra sprouts of the rosehip.Rosehip berries are extremely helpful: in winter their decoction can be used in the treatment and prevention of ARVI, also a rosehip is recommended to use with anemia. To stock vitamins for the winter, collect the summer harvest of fruits in the summer and dry either completely, or cut the berries in half and remove bones from them. In the same way, you can cook delicious jam or jam.