How to instill a rose on a rose hips

How to instill a rose on a rose hips

Rose is a unique flower that perfectly fits into any landscape design, and with its appearance, even the most simple garden begins to look richer and more beautiful. However, the plant is capricious, requires careful care and warm climate. If you want to split yourself a rosary or grow some kind of new grade donated in a bouquet, you should learn to vaccinate it on a hips, because this is the most reliable way to get a strong and healthy plant.

Before you start studying the technique itself, it is worth noting some of the process nuances:

  • from the correctness of the selection of the period will be directly dependent on the final result, the optimal - February and the middle of the summer (from July to August);
  • a bush, which will be the best for vaccination, choose from young, preferably not older than 3 years, as well as grown in your climate or adapted for it;
  • if the rose rose hips is treated out of the cutter, it will not become a good basis;
  • choose a stalk width from 1 cm or more, with a bark that is easily separated from the stem.

Choose a suitable foundation. The cutlets should be from the outflower branch, and should not bend, contain from 2 to 5 kidneys. Prepare the trunk of a rosehip, carefully clearing the part at the root itself. Now thoroughly wipe the future place to grafting with a cloth, freeing from the ground (if the dirt falls into the place of vaccinations, it hesitates). Cut the letter T on the stem: dropping down the knife to the depth of two centimeters, make a recess, and take the top layer to one third of the cervix thickness.

Take the knife and lift the nickname kour. Now neatly shove the stalk there, it's not too deep that the kidney remains outside. The resulting connection is necessary to rewind. For these purposes, a special tape is sold in a store with garden tools, or you can use a simple tape. The difference in them is essential. First of all, it lies in the fact that the garden ribbon is not needed to continue to cut and touch the neoplasia accordingly. The plant as it grows it itself. But the isolent will have to remove, because it is quite dense, the rose will not cope with it.

Moisten the soil around the received compound of plants. Now take wet land and gently apply the Rogishnik's root along with a stalk. Pour the remaining land. If the whole procedure is performed clearly, then it will not be necessary to repeat it. Do not wait for the final result very quickly, because you need the time that the process rebuilds to accommodate in a new environment for it. The first shoots will appear only with the beginning of the next autumn. Remember that no exotic plants are leaving for the best, and our homework. They are already adapted to the climate, as well as 100% are not stuffed with any chemical means.

You are not so easy to split your own rosary from the most likely. But if it does not even work out from the first attempt - you should not despair! Perhaps it was simply chosen unsuccessful time for landing or not very freshly plated. Try again, and you will probably succeed!

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