How to grow a rose from a cutter

How to grow a rose from a cutter

Most of the pretty ladies as a gift received gorgeous bouquets of roses, and naturally, many came to mind the thought, how nevertheless extend the beauty in their home or on the homeland site, but not everyone had to propagate the flower out of the bouquet. Now we will explain how it is very easy to root a rose from the cutter.

What we need: Tank for landing, rose or rose bouquet, drainage (clay, broken brick, coal, foam), substrate (narrow, sheet or coniferous land, as an alternative - Earth with an admixture of humus or peat), sand, corneser or peat) aloe. We look at each stem. We take the rose on which kidneys and roots were formed. The best part for rooting is the middle. Close leaves. We choose a piece with three kidneys. The lower kidney will serve as a basis for the formation of the root system, and the second one must give twigs. The upper part we cut at right angle, immediately over the kidney (a few millimeters of it), the lower part is cut at an angle of 45 ° degrees, directly by the kidney.

Rose 2.

Next, you should prepare a mixture for landing: put a small layer of drainage on the bottom of the tank; up to half of the container substrate; The third layer requires mandatory sand about 3 cm.

Rose 1.

Then go to the landing: moisturize the seating mixture; The root part of the cutter is dip in Korniner or lubricate aloe juice; rooting on the depth of the border of sand and land; Cover with a can or package, thereby creating greenhouse conditions. Put the container with a cutter away from sunlight. It is best to arrange it in a cool place (the optimal temperature is + 20-25 degrees).


In the future, we can only water and spray a stalk. We water 2 times a week, but in no way more often. The landing mixture always remains wet, but, which is significant, not wet. Spraying is also one of the most important stages of work. In the first 2 weeks, the cuttings will have to spray 5-7 times a day. And so for 2-3 weeks. After that, we reduce the spraying up to 3 times a day, following the substrate in the container is not silent. Do not forget to return the cuttings into the greenhouse after each watering and spraying. Also at this stage, be sure to pay attention to whether the red web tick appeared, if any signs are visible, for example, cobwebs, then you immediately need to dissolve soap water and wipe the cuttings.

Rose 4.

We begin to teach the stalk to the outdoor, but you can do it only four weeks later. And only after the kidneys begin to grow, it is already possible to transplant into a pot and leave in the open space. Gradually, they will begin to get used to air, and then the growth of buds is activated.

Rose 5.

It is worth noting that the chance to grow white, yellow or orange rose from the cuticle is very small. But if you follow all the rules, you can be confident in the reproduction of any variety of red roses. Using this instruction and putting a little effort, you will grow delightful flowers!

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