How to grow a coffee tree at home

How to grow a coffee tree at home

Recently, coffee trees are becoming increasingly among lovers of indoor plants. And there is nothing surprising in this, because they are not only beautiful, but also have a very pleasant fragrance. And, of course, every hostess will be nice to cook coffee from the fruit of the tree, which she grown itself.

It is best to choose Arabica Coffee Tree, or other dwarf coffee plants, as the remaining species are too high and require special care.

There are two methods of reproduction - with the help of cuttings, sowing grains. But we recommend a faster way - reproduction with cutters. Choose a fruitless branch from the middle part of the crown. The cuttings with two pairs of leaves are best suited. Please note that kidneys are formed on branches from the previous increase, and if you choose such a twig, the flowers on the tree will appear rather.

As a soil, a mixture of peat and perlite is best suitable. After you have poured a mixture into a pot, pour it with a dilute solution of manganese. This will help cuttings to take root on the new soil and disinfect the peat.

Tree cuttings stick vertically by 2-3 cm. After landing, once again, scrolls with a solution of manganese and cover the cutter with a cutlery with a hole done around the perimeter.

Choose a well-lit place for the plant, but make sure that the straight sun rays will not fall on it. It is also not recommended to keep a tree near the battery so that it does not dry. Make sure that the temperature in winter does not fall below 14 ° C, as the tree may not withstand heavy cold and drafts.

In the spring and summer, the tree needs to actively water, the upper layer of the soil should always be wet. Closer to winter, watering is better to reduce.

In the case of proper climbing, after a year you can get fruit. Not more than 300-500 g per year.




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