Gentle, capricious and unusually beautiful orchid requires to to yourself special care. Transplant her necessary on strict rules and only at necessible. Incorrect care per that plant. leads to his death. That's why, before how decide on such responsible step, attentively explore various recommendations.
1) When necessary transplant orchid?
Not costs often touch so throwing plant, how orchid. Transplant his recommended v period blossoms (early spring), and not more how once v two–three of the year. Content substrate helps define this is time more for sure. If greasy part v nem. make up bark, then transplant necessary make later. If same moss sphagnum, then earlier.
Main signs and causes transplant plants:
- Substrate a donkey, and v gorothe appeared enough many free space.
- Appeared mold and unpleasant smell rot.
- Roots become rot (then there is instead of green become brown).
- Leaves orchids digest.
- Plant. became enough closely v gorothe.
- Wound various insects (slug, pliers, bellenki and other).
2) rules right transplant orchids
Necessary thoroughly prepare front data responsible business. For of this initially necessary decide with necessary tools for transplant, then familiarize with sAME important rules and, finally, bout to case.
Preparing instruments (front transplantation necessary process their alcohol):
- Substrate.
- Small ceattor.
- Big transparent pot.
- Activated coal.
Preparing plant to transplant:
- Necessary carefully remove plant from torch, not having damaged his roots. For of this pot can melt or even cut.
- Place exotic plant v tara with warm filtered water (she kill all insects and will help move away substrate).
- How only substrate fully splocked, carefully rinse roots plants under Cool water.
- Everything dead roots remove, sprinkle these places wood or activated coal (i.e. disinfect).
- Similar to remove northern yellowed foliage and hollow bulba, process activated coal.
- Dried orchid (on towel or paper sheet) v flow eight hours.
Preparing pot:
- On bottom lay out layer drainage (height about 5 cm), to water not stopped.
- Further freshness little substrate (height such. same - 5 cm).
Transplant plant:
- Neatly place our capricious flower v prepared transparent pot.
- Above freshness substrate (at it is point heost plants should stay on surface) and slightly putting his hand so that the orchid does not hang out.
- Pot place v water, then let. his slightly dry. If appeared roots, uS necessary sprinkle their substrate.
Undoubtedly, move exotic plants v new house – this is stress not only for his, but and for you. Orchid maybe not straightaway begin blossom and even sick. But, if render her proper care (rearrange v shadow, water, fertilize v need time and v necessary quantity), then v sight of time plant present to you gorgeous and lush flowers v sign thanks.