How to water orchid

How to water orchid

The correct watering of home orchids is the key to growing a healthy plant. If you do not comply with the rules, it can lead to the death of the plant. At the same time, it is not enough to water once a week with running water, because the plant will begin to wither. Orchid lovers often allow mistakes, because they care for them, as for other plants. But this flower is more demanding and involves special care, the choice of substrate and the right watering.

The question about the frequency of irrigation is not unambiguous. It depends on the size of the pot, temperature and humidity of the air, as well as the composition of the substrate. If the substrate dries quickly, then we need to water more often. At the same time, it is necessary to do this after a complete drying of the substrate in the pot. Orchid is better withstanding the dryness than excessive watering, in which the roots of the plant begin to rot, which inevitably leads to his death.

How to water orchid - "hot shower"

According to experts, this method of watering the most useful, because it looks like a natural tropical rain, which is native for orchids. The use of such a method will allow the flower to be actively blossoming, increasing the luxury and foliage. This method destroys pests that hit the leaves. You can use exceptionally soft water, because often the water from the tough crane. To do this, you need to put the pot into the bathroom and pour the prepared water with watering can. If the running water is soft, then you can do it straight out of the shower.

After irrigation, you need to wait so that the liquid is soaked, then repeat the procedure again. After that, leave the pot in the bathroom for time to the excess water glass. An hour later, it is necessary to tear the leaves and young sprouts with a rag and young sprouts, removing the water that accumulated in the sinuses of the leaves. In such types of orchids as Phalenopsis And Wanda is recommended to wipe the core, otherwise the flower gets, which will lead to the death of the plant.

As a result of irrigation in this way, white divorces are often formed on the leaves - this is a salt that delzyged on the plant. It must be removed using a beer or lemon juice diluted in the same proportion to water.

How to water orchid - dive

The following watering method matches its name. A pot with a plant must be placed in the water for half a minute, after which it is to spend the water. This method can only be used if the plant is completely healthy and no mold and fungi. If orchid blooms, this method is also not applicable.

How to water orchid watering

This method is the most common. For this you need to defend water and pour it into a watering can. Watering you need the entire surface of the pot and ensure that the water does not penetrate the sinuses. It is necessary to finish watering when the water begins to flow. Wait until everything shoes through drainage holes and repeat the procedure again. After that, extinct water from the pallet pour.

How to water orchid - spraying

According to experts, this method is not recommended for orchids. It is allowed to spray plants in the ground blocks, because in pots with the substrate there are drying roots.

To orchids that grow in blocks can be classified vanda. It can be sprayed every morning so that in the evening the roots were dry. It is best to put a pulverizer into fog mode.

Watering orchids during flowering

The blooming orchid needs a large amount of moisture, because otherwise the flowering time and the number of colors will decrease. But it is impossible to allow and excessive watering. Also, it is also necessary to exclude the dropping of water droplets on the flowers, because it can lead to the appearance of black spots.

Listed methods will help save your life to your flower and eliminate some problems. But as for running water, it is better to defend it. If the water is too tough, then sorval acid will help to mitigate it. To do this, pour it into the water and give to stand.

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