Cactus transplant can turn into a plant's death if it is incorrect. Therefore, it is important to know the basic rules and a clear procedure. Only then and the flower water, and the spiny handsome will remain unharmed.
Initially, we reserve special soil for cacti. Such a soil is sufficiently loose and contains a small amount of organic substances, which will provide optimal conditions for roots and spines. The stores offer a good selection of substrates, but it is always more reliable yourself. We will need solid land, black fertile land and peat, all in equal shares. But sand and gravel will only damage the cactus, without them we will bypass.
It's time to choose a suitable pot. In the case of cacti, it is not worth an annual increase in the size of the "house". It is necessary to rely on the root system. If she did not grown, then the pot is left for the same size. If it grumbled - increase the container if too many damaged roots that have to cut, we decrease. You need to take into account the variety of cactus: some are not too wide, but long rhizome, others - branched, but short.
On the bottom of the new pot grinding clamzit (or other pebbles, shards, charcoal). The thickness of this layer must correspond to the size of the pot: for a small enough of one row of clay, the larger capacity should be filled with 5 cm.
Create an earthen pillow: we put a layer of soil to drainage. Bare big kisa, remove possible roots and twigs. We take into account that the pot must fit the height of the entire earthen coma with the indigenous cactus system.
The old pot is a bit dismissed, the upper dense layer is removed with a wand. By the way, replant better cactus with dry ground (not to water 3-4 days) so that the latter is easy to remove. Take the body of the plant comfortably several times folded with paper, washcloth or a piece of stirro. Touching gently on the pot, get cactus from the previous capacity. Do not drag behind the stem, and gradually remove the pot from the Earth Koma himself. Separate the Earth from the roots, without damaging them. If the previous land was chosen correctly, there will be no problems with extracting. And in the case when the old soil is clay and there is a risk of injury to the root system, you need to put someone in warm water, to patiently separate the softening ground, and then dry the roots, joining the plant for 12 hours. We inspect rhizome to parasites or rotting. Healthy roots are characterized by strength, smoothness, have a yellowish color. Revealed dry or affected areas cut.
We put an earthen room into a new pot. The root neck is kept at the level of the upper edge of the pot, roots straightened, around we repeat and slightly tamper the earth. Slightly knock the pot of the surface, holding the plant. We are afar of the soil, but I will not be moistened! You can pour it out after 3-4 days. And completely accepted a healthy cactus in about a week. In addition, the upper drainage is important for cactus. To further protect the soil, it is sprinkled with large sand, marble or granite crumb, the thickness of the powder is 5-10 mm.
For greater effects, reorganize the pot. We use a variety of items, such as lace, woolen threads, buttons, ribbon beads. The skillful masters even paint the pots manually, which adds the original notch to the interior.
The transplanted cactus after a short time will enrich the useful elements, transformed, will be ready for further growth and flowering.