How to transplant orchid in a pot

How to transplant orchid in a pot

In order for orchid fully developed and pleased with stable blossom, it must be recreated periodically. Falenopsis fans are jokingly compare the transplanting process with a small surgical operation. They say so no accident - the procedure for moving orchids into a new pot requires scrupulousness and accuracy, the slightestness and inattention can lead to an infallible recovery of the plant and even the death of exotic beauty.

The need for orchids in transplant is determined by such reasons:

  • Most of the roots are falling out of the landing capacity;
  • decomposed substrate;
  • Holding the root system;
  • faded appearance of phalaenopsis;
  • Suspension of the growth of new bolbos.

On a note! The optimal transplant period for phalaenopsis is the end of spring - the beginning of summer. Consider that the flowering plant is extremely dangerous - simultaneous flowering and rooting processes take too much energy from orchid.


Selection of landing capacity. For orchid transplantation, choose a transparent plastic pot, while the new capacity should be greater than the previous one by 2-3 cm in diameter (in the spacious pots the plant reluctantly let the floweros). The planting capacitance should have drainage holes - for full ventilation of the root system and removal of excess water during watering.

Orchid pot

Components for substrate. For the preparation of the substrate, the following component materials are suitable - crushed coniferous bark and walnut shell, pieces of cork tree, palm fiber, perlite, ceramic shards, crushed charcoal, sfagnum, sphagnum peat.

ORX substrate

Preparation for transplantation. To begin with, carefully remove orchid along with an earthen one from the old pot. In order not to damage the fragile roots of the plant, pre-paint it with water room temperature or carefully cut the old capacity, trying not to hurt the root system tool. For the best separation of the old substrate, place orchid in the pelvis with water for 20-30 minutes. At the end of soaking, clean the intertwined roots from the remains of the cortex and rinse thoroughly under the shower.


Revision of the state and processing of the root system. Spread the plant on a paper towel and carefully inspect the rhizome. All hollow, perhaps and fired root areas cut with sterile scissors to a healthy green cloth. Old yellowed leaves also carefully remove. To protect the orchid from drying out and infection, sprinkle sections of sections with a shabby or crowded activated carcoal or treat the fungicidal composition. In front of the direct transplant, give the prepared orchid to "relax" and dry carefully.


Farming of orchids in a new pot. A third of the planting capacity fill in drainage - fine pebbles, granite crumb, clay, pieces of foam. After that, install the plant in the pot, gently straighten the twisted roots and gradually fill in the fresh substrate all the space between them. To seal the soil periodically tapping the pot on the walls. Long air roots (previously growing substrate higher levels) should remain bare. It is important that the plant does not fall in a pot, for better stability, the stems are tested to suitable bamboo or plastic decorative support.


Care for transplanted orchid. In the future, water and spray the plant in the usual mode. In the first 1.5-2 months after transplanting to irrigation water (warm and resistant), it is desirable to add "zircon" (3-4 drops on 200 ml of water). This drug will help orchide is faster to root and recover after transplant stress. You can take a plant on a lit place only 7-8 day after the "resettlement" into a new pot, before that it should be in the shade. Fertilize the phalaenopsis once every 12-14 days immediately after irrigation, otherwise you can trigger the burn of dry roots.


The correct transplant will not prevent your orchid to bloide in the near future.

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