How to grow pelargonium seeds

How to grow pelargonium seeds

More recently, Pelargonium was undeservedly considered "blessing flowers", but over time, these room plants with an unusual aroma and original floral "caps" were loved by many flowers. Traditionally, they multiply seeds or cuttings. The seed reproduction of Pelargonium is the process is more painful and long, rather than shilling, but at the same time much more interesting and more exciting.

Prepaiming seed preparation. Of the total, telect the largest seeds of the oblong form. Before direct sowing, it is necessary to produce scarification - slightly damage the dense leathery sheath of seeds with fine-grained emery paper. This simple procedure is required for high-quality and uniform germination of floral seedlings.


Preparation and preparation of the soil substrate. Next, proceed to the preparation of soils from the turf, peat and coarse sand (2: 1: 1 ratio). The composition thoroughly mix - it should be loose and homogeneous. Before use, the prepared substrate must be sterilized - to disappear on a boiling water bath, rolling in the oven or treat a fungicidal preparation. Such disinfection will save fragile sprouts from bacterial diseases like "black legs".

Geranium substrate2.

Sowing seeds. Spring-summer period is the optimal season for seed reproduction of pelargonium. For sowing, use low drawers, pallets, containers, or other small containers to 3 cm. Seeds decompose evenly on the moistened substrate, then neatly suck the thin layer of the soil (no more than 1 cm) and slightly irrigate the growth stimulator. After that, cover the capacity with transparent polyethylene (make a few holes in the film in advance for ventilation in the film). Clean the greenhouse immediately after the appearance of the first germs. Sowing must be regularly ventilated and moisturized - carefully water them with warm water as the soil drying. When watering, it is important to prevent the depth of the seed material.

Geranium seedlings

Care of shoots. Average seed germination - 8-15 days. The optimal temperature range for the plant during this period is 21-24 ° C. So that the shoots receive a sufficient amount of light, the container with the seadade is placed near the most illuminated window. On cloudy days, seedlings need to be organized by phytolampa. After the appearance of the sprouts, maintain a substrate in a moderately moistened state. When 3-4 real sheets are formed on young plants, sip seedlings into small seaside pots. To prevent the appearance of trunk rot, when picking seedlings do not allow the root cervix to be strongly reduced. Plants Place in a bright place, a suitable temperature at this stage - 17-19 ° C.

Geranian seedlings2.

Transplanting Pelargonium. After 7-8 weeks after diving, seedlings transplanted into flower pots. The root system of these plants is small, so the transplant capacity must be compact. Otherwise, Pelargonium will cover a luxurious greens, but will not bloom. To prevent the root system to prevent the root system, the bottom of the planting capacity must be filled with drainage - foam crumb, perlite, claying or a mixture of drainage components. As a substrate, you can use a mixture of a delicate earth, calcined coarse sand, peat and humus. After the correct transplant, the first bloom usually comes in June-July.

Gerana blossom deputy

The pelargonium grown from the seeds is quite unpretentious in terms of subsequent care. The main rules for the content of plants are as follows:

  • Watering. In the summer, the saplings are watered abundantly, in winter - moderately. Consider that excess moisture is much more detaching for pelargoniums than short-term soil drying. Excess watering pushes the flowering of the plant.
  • Lighting. Pelargonium prefers bright and sunny places, but it normally transfers short-term shading. With long-term lack of lighting, the plant leaves lose the brightness, and the bloom decreases significantly.
  • Picker. To enhance the lateral branching and obtaining neat and lush bushes, the september of a plant over 7-8 sheets is performed. The separated top of Pelargonium can be used as a cutting of rooting.
  • Feeding. Plants are positively responding to moderate feeding with mineral organic fertilizers. For lush flowering, use compositions with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium, for abundant greenery - nitrogen preparations.

Geranium on the window

Krasavitsa-Pelargonia grown from seeds will become a real decoration of your home or plot.

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