How to care for anthurium

How to care for anthurium

Anthurium is an exquisite plant, which is called "Flamingo Flower", emphasizing its exoticity. Many novice flower flowers do not pay attention to, believing that in fact it is unpretentious. However, it is not. So let's find out how to care for the anthurium.

The genus Anthurium is the most numerous relating to the family of aroid. It is classified as close to 5,500-900 different plants. Herbate evergreen plants, lianas, epiphytes, litoffs growing on rocky rocks. Leaves - diverse shape: heart-shaped, rounded, dissected, shovenoid, which is inherent in the property turning after the sun. Flowers have a greater density, lacquered. Their color is from a saturated red to a gentle white shade. May bloom throughout the year. At home they grow Anthurium Andre and Sherecer.

To determine what care is organized by Anthurium, imagine the climatic conditions of his homeland. Namely tropical forests located in South and Central America. Thus, the basic requirements are in the possession of good lighting throughout the year and maintaining high humidity.

Landing. Like other bedroom plants, Flamingo needs a timely transplant: Young flowers are recommended to transplant annually, adults - once every 3 years. For cultivation, they take flat, wide pots suitable under the root system of the plant. If you choose the tank "on the gross", you can forget about abundant flowering. For good growth, give preference to weakly acidic soil, the pH of which is 5.5-6.5. It consists of such components: humid (2 parts), non-refined sheet land (1), peat (1) and coarse sand (0.5), broken brick, foam or charcoal (10-15% of the mass). Each following transplant is recommended to immerse the root system deeper and increase the drainage layer. Nude roots from above, if it happened, cover the moss to avoid drying the borrowers. In the period of growth, 1 time in 2 weeks will not interfere with the feeding - alternation of mineral and organic.

Location. When choosing a place for a plant, you need to put a pot on the eastern window or from the west side. Regardless of the fact that the anthurium is a light-affiliated plant, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight, providing a scattered light. Soft lighting contributes to the fact that the flowers will be motley and juicy. Enable more light in the winter, highlighting the plant, so you can extend the flowering of tropical handsome. In the spring and in the summer months, maintain the temperature in the room at 20-25 degrees. During the rest of the year, ensure about 18 degrees. Remember that drafts are destructive for the flower.

Watering. Despite the need for high humidity, Anthurium should not be poured into ordering roots. Water abundantly, once every 3-4 days, but watched water in the pallet. By winter, reduce the amount of moisture, up to 1 time per week, preventing the dying of the ground mixture. For irrigation, take soft water, which has room temperature, is better enough to pre-stand. To prevent the roots, make sure that the water does not accumulate in the pallet.

Spraying. It was noted that the anthurium is needed high air humidity - 60%, so watch this indicator. Flamingo will respond well to the shower: spray only leaflets using clean water, excluding droplets on the flowers.

Reproduction. By providing the right care, the flower will let numerous side shoots with roots, which are great for breeding. In addition, the anthurium is propagated by the division of crushed plants in spring and top cuttings. You can cut off the top of the plant or divide the lower on the segments that have 5-10 cm dimensions, disembarking in the greenhouse. Also for these purposes the box is suitable, which is subsequently covered with glass or polyethylene film.

For growing a flower from scratch, act:

  • First you need to get seeds. It will be done only as a result of artificial pollination: transfer pollen from one flower to another with a soft tassel.
  • After 8-12 months, bright berries are formed. Each of them contains several seeds.
  • Remove seeds, rinse in water and soak for several hours in a solution of manganese (0.1%) in order to avoid the formation of mold.
  • Seed seeds are recommended at 25 ° C, into a shallow container, which should be covered with a polyethylene film.
  • After growing, they should be divened to increase the distance between the seedlings.
  • After reaching 7 cm in the diameter, a seedman transplant into a shallow pot.

Diseases. Imagine a brief information on issues that can happen to the anthurium due to improper care:

  1. Dark spots on the leaves. The plant should be transferred to a warm place, since such is observed due to the effects of low temperature.
  2. Swimming and dry leaves. It's all about the lack of light or the opposite in its excess, which led to burns. Easy darkness is recommended.
  3. Black leaf tips. In this case, the soil contains a surplus of calcium salts. You can only transplant Anthurium.
  4. No flowering. A possible reason is an excessively large pot. In addition, remember that Anthurium does not bloom for the first 4 years.

Pests. The plant is affected by the damage to such harmful insects, like a shirt, triples, worm and a wave, as well as parasitic mushrooms. Dangerous is the disease called an anthracnose when the leaves and the plant dries from the edges may die. To prevent the effect of pests, it is recommended to regularly wash the leaves of anthurium.

When breeding and transplanting bush, remember that the juice of the plant is poisonous. In mandatory, use moistureproof gloves. After work, it is recommended to wash your hands using soap.

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