How to care for poinsettia

How to care for poinsettia

On the eve of the New Year, Poinsettia flower becomes very popular, at this time he decorates the counters of many stores. In the people, he is called the Christmas star, and it is connected with the fact that the plant blooms in December, foreshadowing the offensive of the New Year holidays, and his beautiful bracts resemble bright stars. Remember the main rule - Poansettia will be able to please you in winter only if you care for it for all the rules. It's not so easy to do, because the flower is slightly capricious and requires attention.

Temperature for Poinsettia

Poinsettia must provide a suitable temperature, it will be on a well-lit place, near the southern, western or eastern window. But the falling light on the plant should be scattered, since the straight rays can cause harm. Poinsettia does not tolerate cold. This nuance must be taken into account even when buying a plant, the flower is better to purchase in a specialized store, where the warm temperature is kept, it also needs to be protected from the cold when transporting home. The plant sold on the market in the winter is almost no chance to survive.

What should be the temperature:

  • Minimal permissible + 16 °.
  • At + 14 ° loses saturation in the color of the bracts.
  • At + 10 ° dying roots.
  • To root the cuttings, it is optimally adhered to 20-22 °, after it is necessary to reduce to 18-20 °.
  • For vegetative development, 20-22 ° is needed, it is desirable to hold this temperature until mid-October.
  • After October 15, during the bootonization period, you need to stick to 17-19 °.
  • If the night temperature will be above daylight, then the growth of Poinsettia will slow down.


Watering Poinsettia

In order for the flower to please the owner as long as possible, when leaving for it, it is necessary to carry out the right watering and regular spraying. The plant can die from drying up and from the oveurgement of the soil. Prevent this will help compliance with such rules:

  • During flowering, Puansette needs to be poured abundantly using warm water. This is done as the top layer of soil dried.
  • To avoid excessive humidification of the soil, after watering it is necessary to merge all the water from the pallet.
  • For a flower, the spraying of the indentioned water temperature is very favorable, which will not only provide moisturizing by the plant, but also will be removed from the web tick.


Fertilizer Poinsettia

Frequency of feeding: Calcium nitrate with the addition of trace elements every 10 days, that is, 3 times a month. Facing Selitra with the cessation of vegetation should be stopped. The plant is well adopted by extractive feeding, which make it possible to avoid diseases that are a consequence of the deficit of trace elements. Most often, such diseases are manifested in the form of chlorose.

Chlorosis of Poinsettia leaves, how to determine the deficit of the necessary elements:

  • Zinc - slow growth of new leaves and their overall yellowing.
  • Sulfur - yellowing of young leaves.
  • Molybdenum - leaf twisting.
  • Nitrogen - the overall yellowing of the flower.


Poinsettia after flowering

The flower after the end of flowering drops the bracts naturally. It usually happens at the end of January - early February, at this stage the plant needs to trim, leaving 10-15 cm from the ground, it is desirable to leave it alone, producing minimal watering soil so that it does not stop completely.

In the spring, new shoots appear with an increase in the light day and increasing the temperature, it happens in March-April. It is desirable at this stage to transplant the poinsettia into a soil containing dry manure, sand and leaf humus in proportion 1: 1: 2. With the beginning of the growing season, the plant must provide maximum heat and light, it is desirable to put it on the southern windowsill. So that the flower goes, and not stretched, you need to trim long shoots that can be used to multiply Poinsettia.

Poinsettia reproduction

So that the process has passed successfully, you need to stick to simple rules:

  1. At the selected stalk should be at least 5 leaves.
  2. Selected cuttings need to be placed in warm water for 10 minutes to wash off poisonous milky juice.
  3. Prepared cuttings can be planted in well-moistened soil.
  4. Pots with seedlings need to be covered with polyethylene film, put in a warm not dark place, but without direct sunlight.
  5. Periodically, you need to water the seedlings so that the soil is wet, but not wet.
  6. The rooting lasts from one to two months, after its end, Poinsettia needs to be transplant to the soil for adult plants.


Some care for Puansettia may seem complicated and annoying, but these efforts will probably give fun of flowers. If you will correctly care for the plant throughout the year, you will probably smile luck, and in your home the star of Christmas will bloom on the eve of the winter holidays.

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