How to care for calangean

How to care for calangean

Calanchoe is a surprisingly beautiful plant on our windowsill come from Madagascar. Its primitive gradation conditions in deserts and semi-deserts provided its unassumature to any climatic conditions, so it is easy to care for it. In addition to its decorativeness, Kalanchoe has special medical properties. But how to care for this flower so that he pleased with his colorful bloom?

Rules landing Kalanchoe

The flower grows perfectly in poor soil with a slight addition of sand. Special attention should be given drainage: a thin layer of clay at the bottom of the pot is mandatory. Put a pot with a plant is needed in well-lit places. In the hot sunny days, the flower is better transferred to the half-day, as the bright sun rays in the afternoon the plant is depleted.

Calanchoe is actively increasing the root system, so requires a regular transplant. Replanting the plant is needed during the period of active growth in the last month of spring.

Watering regimen Kalanchoe

Calanechoe refers to succulents. This is a group of plants that have the ability to accumulate moisture in the leaves. If Kalanchoe does not pour on time, he deftly uses the reserve in the leaves, but in case of overflow, the plant begins to rot. Therefore, the watering should be treated carefully.

It is recommended to use exclusively indulged indoor temperature. Too cold or hot water introduces a plant into a stress state, and it begins to root.

It is necessary to conduct another irrigation after the complete drying of the earthen lump. To determine this, you need to knock on the pot: if a ring sound is heard, then the earth is dry. Spray the leaves of a calangean with a spray with a spray with a spray.

Temperature conditions for calangean

The optimal temperature for calangean 16-19⁰s. If the temperature is above 25⁰c, the calangean will start to spend the reserves in the leaves, but it will be much more complicated to fill them. This negatively affects growth rates and flowering. The plant also maintains lower temperatures to -6⁰.

The room where the pot is standing with calangean should be regularly ventilated. Air should not be wet, since the plant can accumulate moisture from the external environment, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of fungi and mold on the stems.

Undercalinking and fertilizer Kalanchoe

If the plant grows well and does not have signs of the deficit of minerals, he does not need feeding. Also making fertilizers is undesirable in winter.

Suitable time for feeding from the end of autumn until the middle of the summer. It is better to purchase special tools for succulents, but you need to give them half less than indicated on the package. It is necessary to breed fertilizer in warm water, and only after its cooling to water calangean.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

This plant is multiplied by seeds, kids, as well as chips.

The seeds are reproduced in the winter-spring period. Seeds are sown in loose and wet soil, without covering them the ball of the earth. From above, the pot with seeds is covered with a cloth that you need twice a day to open for ventilation. In a month, sections appear, which can be transplanted into individual pots.

With the help of fallen leaves, self-magazine occurs. You can also root torn sins.

It's not difficult to care for the calanchoe. Just a couple of minutes, the day paid by this plant will provide his healthy look and abundant flowering.

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