How to care for ficom at home

How to care for ficom at home

Our green pets that we start, who are for the benefit who is for the soul, and who are like tribute to fashion require attention and care. Each indoor plant has its own peculiarities in cultivation, whether it is beautiful or only deciduous. Here is one of the popular now indoor pots - ficus, requires compliance with its peculiarities in care and cultivation. How to care for a ficus at home so that he has long pleased to the owners of beautiful, green foliage?

Ficus - Description

In the natural environment, the ficus is about 1000 species of plants belonging to the family of the mulberry. Ficuses are growing mainly in tropical areas, although some are found in moderate climates. The most famous appearance has long been a ficus - this is a fig, familiar and all of us on honey-sweet fruits, which can be bought in the form of dried fruits or jam in almost any store.

A huge family of trees and shrubs, which can be combined under the same name - Ficus, very hardy. Many representatives of this large family are epiphyte plants, i.e. growing on other plants.

The Fikus family is diverse, but for home cultivation, people have chosen only a few varieties, based on how these green pets feel in captivity.

Homemade ficuses

Most often among pet ficuses, we can meet the following types of this plant:

  • ficus Bengali;
  • ficus Benjamin;
  • ficus rubber;
  • Ficus Lire-shaped.

Each of these species has its own characteristics in appearance, as well as nuances in growing at home.

To begin with, we will understand how one type of ficus differs from the other

Ficus Bengali

The peculiarity of this ficus is that even in captivity he grows by a tree, up to 3 meters high. It is this feature that should be considered before purchasing Ficus Bengali as a green pet. In addition, it has a rather empty crown and air roots.

Ficus Benjamin

To date, this species of ficuses is the most common homemade green pet. He's very handsome. Ficus Benjamin can even grow even a simple room pot, although if you create a space, it can grow in a small tree - about 2 meters high. His crown is thick, consisting of mothers, oval, elongated at the ends of the leaves.

Ficus rubber

It is this kind of ficus that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers grown. The pot with such a ficus was probably in every home. His large, shiny hostess leaves wiped with a soft cloth, a little moistened with vegetable oil - after this procedure, the plant leaves glittered like a singer.

Ficus Lovyoid

The beauty of this type of ficuses is in its large leaves with sharply released streaks. The plant itself can be a tree, and shrub, it all depends on which form to give it to leaving. The branches of its powerful, very branching.

General principles of growing ficuses at home

  • Whatever different ficuses in appearance, but at home, care for them is approximately the same, only for several nuances. All these plants can be considered fairly unpretentious. They love heat, but do not tolerate the long temperature regime below +15 degrees. Ficuses are not too love to change the place of residence. And Ficus Benjamin, for example, reacts poorly even on the fact that the pot turns in one place.
  • In summer, all ficuses should be dialed from direct sunlight, although fresh air is very useful for them.
  • Watering the ficuses is carried out when the upper layer of the Earth is drying in the pot. The plant is watered by small portions, and the water from the pallet passed through drainage is removed, otherwise the roots of the plant can be dried. It should also be remembered that in the winter period the plant is at rest and in abundant irrigation does not need.
  • Water for watering ficuses should be soft, room temperature or a little warmer. Green pets, ficus, it will not be against spraying with warm, clean water.
  • Feed these green pets during activity - from spring to autumn, leaving the winter period for recreation plants.
  • In addition to spraying, the ficus will be grateful to the owners for the fact that his leaflets will periodically spend a soft wet cloth, cleaning the plant from dust.
  • The transplant of ficuses is carried out in spring, if the roots of the plant filled the entire pot. If we transplant the plant into a very large pot, you will have to wait long until it goes into growth.

As can be seen, ficuses are quite unpretentious plants and are suitable for growing at home, in the office or public space, allowing people to rejoice in bright greenery.

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