How to care for begonia

How to care for begonia

This strikingly beautiful flower decorates the apartments of many amateur flower. Bright large buddens buddes resemble small roses that bloom long. You have a begonia, but you do not know the flower care rules? A simple care and your concern will enjoy the plant all year round.

How to care for begonia - choose a place and lighting

With the correctly chosen place, Begonia will delight you with beautiful flower. When choosing a place, consider the following points:

  • the plant does not like straight sunlight. But light should be enough. Large varieties of Begonias place away from the windows, they love halftime. It is recommended to put a pot with a flower on windowsill windows overlooking the eastern and northern part;
  • do not rearrange the flower from one place to another. It will destroy the change of lighting and temperature;
  • the perfect temperature for begonias is from 18 to 22 degrees in the summer. In winter - from 15 to 18 degrees;
  • flowering plants require bright lighting.

After fading the blooming buds, carefully remove them. Cut the flower itself and leave a bush with a five centimeters tall.

How to care for begonia - the right watering and humidity

In the summer, water the begonia abundantly, but do not allow water in a pot or pallet. In winter, watering reduce. Cudley varieties of the plant in winter "sleep". Place the flower in peat and do not water at all. For irrigation, take a few standing water.

Do not spray begonia, although it loves high humidity. If the water falls onto the sheets - brown spots will appear. Water carefully. So that the flower does not disappear from excess dryness, help him:

  • place the begonia for an inverted pallet;
  • the resulting design is placed in a larger pallet;
  • spread the ceramzit in the circumference and systematically moisturize it. Water will turn evaporate and it will help to support the desired moisture balance for a flower.

How to care for begonia - feeding

Begonia needs fertilizers for long blossoms and large buds. Buy a special composition designed for the begonia. Feed the flower once a month. If he blooms - do it more often. Deciduous varieties are not fertilized, and the flowering and winter plant feed until the flowering completion.

Choose feeding correctly. The fertilizer should be absent chlorine. Buy fertilizer with magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium content.

How to care for begonia - transplantation and reproduction

Transplant the begonia in the spring. There are no special requirements for the soil, but it is desirable to use peat, deciduous or garden soil, as well as sand in the same proportions. Sand pour a pot on the bottom. Replanted as needed if the pot has become small. The most comfortable pot is clay. After the transplant is well like a plant and put in the shadow for 5 days. When transplanting, consider the following points:

  • gently get begonia from the old pot and clean the roots from the old peat;
  • it is advisable to place begonia before the transplantation into water with a weak solution of mangartage for several hours;
  • after cleansing from the sand of the roots in mangartee, cut off the discovered parts.

Rhizopy flowers are multiplied with seeds and cuttings, and tuber-fission tubers. The tuber plant sprouts very slowly. Do not think that it did not fit - you will see the shoots and roots.

Begonia - unpretentious flower. If you provide a charming flower proper care, it will thank with its beauty and long flowering.

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