How to care for lysome

How to care for lysome

Children makes delight pleasant to the touch funny toy. Lisun easily sticks to any surfaces, and after the drop will not leave traces. But the lysun will quickly deteriorate from the constant impact of humidity, temperature differences, dust and dirt. Do not be discouraged, extend the life of your favorite baby toy. We will tell how to care for him.

How to care for lysun - choose a house for Lizun

Factory toys are sold in a special jar, and choose a lizen house. If the box is lost or the toy you did yourself - find for the house any capacity and tightly close it with a lid after playing with lysome. Place the capacity in the refrigerator overnight, but not in the freezer. Lizun is afraid of strong cold and dies.

How to care for lysuine - correctly "feed" lysun

You did not know that Lizuun need to "feed"? Without the right "nutrition", he will quickly lose his attractive initial appearance. Your actions are as follows:

  • pour on the bottom of the banks of ordinary cold water;
  • add 2-4 salt chipping;
  • put lysuine into salted water;
  • cover the can with a lid and shake the water with lysome.

Perform this procedure twice a week. You can introduce salt water with a syringe to the toy, but do not overcover. Do not "feed" lysuana with sugar instead of salt, he will perish!

How to care for Lizun - Ensure Lizuun from pollution

The toy quickly absorbs dirt, decreases in size and loses unique properties. Without the right care dies. Play with him in moderation, do not throw in dirt and on the dusty surface. Remove with lysen with your fingers, needle or tweezers all major garbage. Do not leave the toy in the sand, on the ground and on woolen clothes. Do not take dirty hands.

Pay a unique toy. Do not use bath or sink - lysun popping! Pour water into a deep small basin, two minutes rinse it in water and put in the house.

How to care for lysuo - the right "treat" lysun

Lisun can "get sick." There are the following varieties of "diseases" toys:

  • lizuun's consistency has become liquid. You stopped and gave him a lot of water. Put in a box with a toy a little ordinary salt and wander the house. Salt will take excessive moisture, Lizun will restore its original shape and elasticity. Give a toy holiday for a couple of days, leave to lie down in the house;
  • lizun became hard. This indicates drying. You give him a lot of salt and often play. Add a few drops of water to the house with a toy. Remove the jar in a dark place for three hours. Lizun does absorb liquid and will ventilate.

For toys, the temperature regime is very important. Lizun does not like strong heat and straight sunlight. In the heat, be sure to keep it in the house and put in the refrigerator, otherwise the material will spread. If the toy was not played for a long time - mold appears on her surface. There will not help anything, throw out and buy or make a new lysuine.

How does Lizun "breed"?

It is clear that Lizun has no genital signs. But if you saw that many small bubbles appeared on the toy - do not try to pierce them. This indicates the "pregnancy" of Lizun. Postpone it aside for four to five days. You will see on the surface of the toy on the site of bubbles. Little spots of another color. Carefully separate the stain and put in a separate ass. Now you can grow one more lysun!

Elastic funny lysun like children and adults. Correct care will help to play with him for a long time. Do not be discouraged if something happened to the toy and the measures taken did not help. You can buy another lysuine or make it yourself.

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