Lizun - a funny children's toy. A sticky miracle is easily glued to a solid surface and takes a variety of forms. The content of sodium tetraborate in a toy is alarming parents and in her purchase children refuse. Try to make lysuine with your own hands without a harmful substance, a safe toy will delight the baby and bring him pleasure from the game.
Make lizena from glue and starch without sodium tetraborate
- starch. With liquid starch, water is not required;
- half of the glass of water;
- several droplets of gouache or food dye;
- enamelized ass;
- spoon or wand;
- polyethylene bag;
- 100 g of PVA glue.
Pour warm water into the ass and carefully fall asleep starch. Do not stop with a spoon. Starch fall asleep so much so that the mixture is thick, but without lumps and not solid. Add the dye and wait for the cooling of the mixture to room temperature.
The mixture is put into the bag and add glue. So that the components are well mixed up - shake the bag. Shake until you get a viscous homogeneous mass. Gently drain excess liquid. Store the finished toy in the container with a dense lid, otherwise it dries. If he is dried - put in warm water for 5 minutes, and sticky lumps will become like new.
Make lysuan from sodium tetraboate sodium
Take any shampoo, a slightly thanks and glue "Titan". The fresh glue, the better the sticky lydis will come out. Shampoo will give toy a pleasant smell. Prepare polyethylene coolers, use rubber gloves for work. Further your actions are as follows:
- place the glue in the bag, shampoo and drop a little koller or add the edible dye. The ratio of glue to shampoo - three to two;
- mix all before receiving viscous and thick mass;
- place a sticky miracle on the napkin, and let him lie, freezes.
Give Lizun to the child, and the baby enjoys an exciting game.
Making lysuan from gelatin and plasticine without sodium tetraborate
Prepare 100 g of plasticine, 20 g gelatin and 100 ml of boiled cold water. Prepare adhesive substance:
- pull the gelatin in the Council;
- pour water and retain for 40-50 minutes to the side;
- heat a standby mixture. Do not bring up to boiling! Make sure that all gelatin particles are well dissolved.
In another vessel melt plasticine. Dock it in advance on small pieces. Pour 50 ml of water into the saucepan, put on the stove and bring up to boil. Swimmed plasticine is lowered in boiling water, and stir up to obtain a homogeneous mass. You do not need to boil on fire! Having cooled gelatin add to the plasticine and thoroughly mix the mixture with a spoon. You can play the toy as soon as Lizun cools. But this method is rarely used, because Lizun is enough for several days.
We make lysuuna from flour and water without sodium tetraborate
There are no chemistry in the toys. The recipe is the easiest as the ingredients. Pass into the metal cuddle of a glass of sifted flour. Pour the cold water first, and then it is very hot. Add a natural dye - carrot or beet juice. Water take so much so that the mixture came out thick in moderation, homogeneous and tight. Constantly stirre when adding water. Mind to obtain a homogeneous mass. Put it in the coalk or in a glass container with a dense lid.
Place the lysus in the refrigerator for three hours. Keep the toy there. On the street to play Lizun, we must carefully, the mass can dry.
Safety rules for the manufacture of lysen without sodium tetraborate
After the game with sticky miracle, wash your hands and a child. Toy, though not toxic, but make sure that the child does not pull it into the mouth. During the manufacture of Lizun, use the following recommendations:
- for the manufacture of sticky lump, use rubber gloves;
- use the apron or put the old clothes if you work with a dye or gouache. They leave stains on clothes and arms;
- take advantage of the preparation of any mixture of a separate dish, in which you will not cook food;
- add at wishes to a lot of sequins, small decorative parts. Experiment with the makeup toys.

The shelf life of a safe toy made independently without the addition of sodium tetraborate is from two days before the week. Ingredients for manufacture are always found in the house. And the process of creating a sticky miracle, together with his parents, will give the baby a lot of pleasant impressions.