How to make a new year box with your own hands

How to make a new year box with your own hands

The most pleasant moments of New Year holidays are gifts. They are all waiting, they are happy and unpacking with pleasure. Therefore, not only a gift should be good, but also the packaging in which it lies. We offer to abandon the shopping bags and make a Christmas box with your own hands. Agree, because what is done by hand and from the soul, has its irresistible energy, such a design will make sure and surprise.

New Year's box for a little gift

What will take:

  1. Round pattern, its size depends on the volume of the gift. You can use the disk, plate or draw with a circulation.
  2. Rule, scissors, simple pencil, cardboard or paper with christmas color.
  3. Tape or bow.

Instructions for the execution of the New Year's box:

  1. Put cardboard on a flat surface. Take a round pattern and circle it twice so that the picture resembled folded wedding rings.
  2. Divide the edges of the circles using the sequential conversion of templates, on 4 semicircular identical sectors. In the center of each ring should be the pointed rhombus.
  3. Rings cut out, on the marked bends, bend the cardboard.
  4. Inside the formed box, you can attach a gift, then you need to add it to the bends and tie the ribbon.

Such New Year boxes can be used not only as a packaging for a gift, but also as a toy on the Christmas tree.


New Year's Box-Pyramid

You will need:

  1. Bright paper.
  2. Tape in paper.
  3. Glue.
  4. Scissors.
  5. New Year's decor.

Getting to work:

  1. Cut out stencil from paper.
  2. On dotted lines make bend. We fold the paper in the pyramid, 3 faces glue, the fourth will be the lid of the box.
  3. The pyramid is winding a ribbon from four sides and tie to the knot on the top.
  4. We bind to the tape or glue artificial fir branches to the box.
  5. New Year's balls We ride on the ribbon, tie it on a bow. Pyramid box ready.


Christmas box-Christmas tree

To make such a box you will need:

  1. Cardboard or tight paper.
  2. Stationery knife or scissors.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. Simple pencil.
  5. Hole puncher.
  6. Scissors.
  7. Bow.

Operating procedure:

  1. Print sample On the printer, transfer it to dense paper. You can use white cardboard, paper with a New Year's image or paper gift bag.
  2. Attach the template to the working sheet, circle along the contour. Sell \u200b\u200bby an imminent sharp bend line to get a furrower.
  3. From the desktop cut out the blanks, bend in places where the furrowers are sold.
  4. At the top of the resulting Christmas tree with hole punch holes.
  5. Glue your billets. Collect the inner box, do not forget to put a gift inside, then tie the bow out the outdoor of the box.

Box tree

New Year's box-house

You will need:

  1. Paper for template.
  2. Scissors and stationery knife.
  3. Ruler.
  4. Double-sided tape.

Instructions for creating a box-house:

  1. On the paper of the desired color Print the template of the future house.
  2. The house is the same cute looks with painted windows or carved stationery knife. Decide which windows you have - cut them out or show off with pencils.
  3. Carefully turn the blank along the folds line.
  4. Make sure the house turns out the right form. If everything is in order, the edges are punctured by two-way scotch.
  5. Another final Christmas detail remained - a wreath over the door. It can be made of tinsel or cut on the template and glue.
  6. Before taking a Christmas box with scotch, do not forget to put a gift inside.

Box house

New Year's round box

To create it, you will need:

  1. Cardboard and tight paper.
  2. Compass.
  3. Simple pencil.
  4. Scissors.
  5. PVA glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take the cardboard, it is needed for the lid and the bottom of the future box. Seam on it with a circulation two circles on it, the diameter of the cover should be 2 mm more than the diameter of the bottom.
  2. Now you can make a blank of the side surface of the box, the length of its circle is equal to × 2r. Using a ruler on dense paper, draw a rectangle of the desired length, you can make a height at your discretion.
  3. Cut the strip for the side of the New Year's box, carefully make a roll from it, not allowing cracklers and fubs. Ends from the inside, glue with glue or secure scotch.
  4. Now you need to stick to the bottom of the side wall, for this all the length of the strip do small cuts, maintain them inside, apply glue from the outside and attach to the bottom.
  5. By the same principle, make a lid for the box.
  6. Now it's time to decorate the New Year's round box, for this you just need to include your fantasy. It can be disappeared by paints, plane the New Year's stickers or snowflakes, add a bow.

Box round

As you can see, there are many original ideas that allow you to make a New Year's gift box irresistible. All you need for a good result is desire. If it is, the box will be a good addition to your gift.

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