How to make a new year ball with your own hands

How to make a new year ball with your own hands

New Year's ball made with your own hands will become the original decoration of your home on the eve of the New Year holiday. The easiest way to make a ball, it makes it out of threads. Since such material can find each. Make an original decoration using conventional threads in a short time, while you need to make a minimum of effort and tools.

Materials for the New Year's Bowl of Threads

For the manufacture of a ball of threads need:

  • Thread. Color choose at will. You can take a thread moulin or yarn for knitting. The choice of the thread is not fundamental, any, what will find at home.
  • Normal balloon.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue. Preferably PVA stationery.
  • Needle for sewing.

New Year's ball from threads can be done any size. It all depends on your preference and the overall composition of the New Year's decoration. You can make a small ball and hang it on the Christmas tree, but you can show a fantasy and make several balls to a half-meter tall. Of the large balls make interesting compositions on the floor. Such compositions look very unusual and original.

New Year's ball from threads in stages

  • Inflate the balloon. It is desirable that the shape of the balloon is round, not oblong.

Thread immerse in glue. This can be done in two ways: to flow a jar with a plow glue through a needle with the working thread, pull the thread through it in the glue and wind the balloon; Pour PVA glue into the container, thread in it, which we will use.


  • Wash the thread on the balloon in chaotic order.


  • We are waiting until the glue is dry. Depending on the thickness of the wound thread, this procedure can delay the day, or even two.

Ready balls

  • After complete drying of the adhesive, we blow the ball, piercing it with a needle or toothpick.

Piercing ball
Very pretty New Year's balls are obtained, attaching to which the ribbon can be hanging on the Christmas tree, or make them different size and put on the floor. On the Christmas treeYou can also use as a candlestick, only you should cut the upper part of the ball. Original decoration made by hand, with soul, you can give friends. After all, these New Year's balls are decorated with beads and ribbons, can become a budget version of the New Year souvenir.

It is very interesting to engage in work on the creation of a New Year's ball along with the child. He receives a lot of pleasure and impressions from helping you. Such a joint pastime associated with the manufacture of Christmas decorations remains in memory for life.

Showing a little fantasy and not be full of spending on the manufacture of Christmas balls, you will probably surprise your relatives and loved ones on New Year's Eve.

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