How to make a Christmas toy

How to make a Christmas toy

New Year is a special holiday that adored and adults and children. The Christmas tree, decorated with your own hands, will bring real pleasure, bring the offensive of such a long-awaited holiday, will create a special mood in his anticipation. To make a toy, you need to buy transparent balls or balls from foam. They cost quite inexpensively, but are excellent material for work. With them you can make several options for the original toys.

Ball with a pattern of an old disk. Tight carefully holder. Take the old disk and cut it into small pieces. Apply to the ball pointing superlocks, and at the top attach a piece of the disk. In the middle, you can put a Christmas tree tinsel, candy or satin fabric.

Ball with fingerprint pattern. Color the ball of acrylic paint any color, for example, white. Take the paint of another color and spread your finger to the child. Let him put his beautiful prints in the order he likes. So that the ball was even more beautiful, cover every finger in different colors. Offer the child with the help of fingerprints to draw a snowman, a kolobka, any character who will come to mind. If you do not want to pack your hands, use the stencil for drawing a picture.

Bowl from lace with beads. Buy on the market a decorative beautiful lace and a thin ribbon beads (or purchase them to pieces). Take the ball for the holder and turn it over. Drip glue to the bottom of the ball, secure the lace and let it stick. If the ball is from the foam, then you can do a small hole at the bottom and put the cord there. Then gradually screw the lace around the ball from the bottom up, periodically pinching the lane with glue. When the work is completed, either shift beads in a chaotic order, or like a cord, wrap the ribbon from the beads. Ribbon from beads can be placed simultaneously with a ribbon of cords. Then the beads will be in the middle and, depending on the size, they will look careful than pasted on top of the cord.

Balloon with sweet powder or beads. Buy a powder for confectionery. Slope the ball in the glue, and then quickly sprinkle. Where there will be empty places, repeat the procedure.

Ball with a pattern of newspapers or notes. The process of manufacturing such a ball is similar to work with papier-mâché: Narrivit in small pieces of bright pages from newspapers or notes, smear the glue ball and glue pieces. So that the ball looked is even more beautiful, the holder can paint the paint or tie over a bow of the tape.

Bowl with scales from copper buttons or sequins. Purchase buttons, drive inside sharp ends. Start glue from below: first the lowest button on the bottom of the ball, then apply the glue layer to the first row, the following flange kett buttons with previous ones. Putts are better to cling to a ball with thin needles.

Ball with pasta. Purchase curly pasta, cover them on the ball in any order. Paint the entire ball of aerosol paint gold, silver or red.

Create a toy on the Christmas tree with your own hands is not difficult! But it will delight you and your child the whole holiday, will take an honorable place on the tree, or will become an excellent gift for your beloved grandparents.

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