How to organize money original

How to organize money original

When you ask the question "And what will we give to ... (I will add the default holiday)?", It is usually the easiest and, judging by today's realities, there were a relevant gift and money remains. Why not? After all, they can even give them beautifully and original. In this article, we will tell you a few very simple, but entertaining ideas for their design.

A pretty simple, but a cute and pretty solution that can be used for a gift for the new year, Christmas or wedding - a common wicker basket with chocolates and nuts, among which will be the main gift. For this idea, you will need: basket (can be taken from under perfumery or cosmetics kits), small chocolates of original shape - medals, hearts, squares, nuts, silver paint or saturated nail polish, sequins. From the preparation you need to paint nuts and sprinkle them with sparkles, let it dry. Collapse bills in half and mix all the blanks in the basket.

Such a money tree can be made in two ways: to embroider the tree itself or make it out of paper. What it is easier to perform - decide for yourself. If you decide to do from paper, then you will need: white sheet, color cardboard, pencils, thick woolen thread or ribbon, money. Initially, blank a layout of colored paper - trunk and leaves. Then think how much bills you will have and where to place them. Now push the neat two holes and release thread through the paper so that it is enough to tie bills. The workpiece shove onto a white sheet, tie bills swept into the tube. If you decide to embroider, then stretch the thread until the cloth is tensioning.

This option is suitable for those who like to give money in a postcard, but did not have time to purchase it. You will need: postcard, some bulk figures cut from other postcards. Make such an interesting option is easier than simple: cover the drawings inside the postcard, circling them with a thin layer of glue along an external contour.

A similar option that is ideal for those who make a gift along with the child. To do this, you will need: postcard, color cardboard, glue, decorations can be made from what is at hand. Help the child draw a butterfly with a rather thick body, decorate the wings with rhinestones, beads, sequins. Let him cut her out, and you fold so that the wings are raised. Then shift a hole for money with a knife, lift the middle, and the rest of the body turn to the postcard. You can additionally decorate with flowers.

A little more complicated, but more interesting with a bottle version. It will take for its implementation: a special paint of two colors, shells, glue, decorations. In order for the bottle does not work with a smooth surface, take superciles with a dense composition and chaotically apply it to the front part. Now glue the decorations and paint all the paint of dark color. Take the washcloth and plunge it slightly in the light paint, and after passing over the entire drawing. Money roll up into a tube on a type of scroll, tie a thread and shove into a bottle.

If you want to give a cake and money, then you can combine these two gifts! Buy in the store two cake of different sizes and one empty box. Puck the box with bright or monophonic paper, decorate at the request of flowers, pearls, beads, rhinestones. In that box, in which there will be money, glue part of the corrugated napkin, shove the bill and decorate at will.

This box-surprise is not difficult to do. Cut the four identical pieces of paper, fold them in half, glisten half, to work out the bottom. Inside the wall of the wall show off and write festive wishes. Make the lid. Inside build a pyramid from bills with a tape or gum. If it did not work out to make the lid square - nothing terrible. Just cut the circle, decorate it, and mount the walls with ribbon and tie a bow.

Another option of a surprise box for those who can and love to work with paper.

If it is not possible to make a box yourself, replace it on the finished box with sweets, just hiding money between the contents.

Such a mini-set of gifts will be relevant for the new year. To implement it, you need to find a wallet, decorate it with paper for the design of bouquets, for example, and pick up all small gifts to tone paper.

A bouquet of money will not understand each. But if you like this option, the process of its manufacture can be found on the video at the end of the article.

In fact, options as the original to give money, just a huge amount. We hope among our you will find the one that will be the best for you!

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